Revision history for SmotifCS
0.01 2015-4-21
* First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 2015-04-22
* File system independence Path feature was added
0.03 2015-04-23
* Fixing some error with the documentation
* Fixing erro in SmotifCS/
$lin[5] = ~s/\"//g was change to $lin[5] =~ s/\"//g
0.04 2015-04-24
* motifCS::GeometricalCalculations::get_from_file was taking
like ~10 seconds to finish. It was overwritten to improve performance
0.05 2015-04-28
* motifCS::GeometricalCalculations::get_from_file was modified and does not use
find functions. PDB files should be stored in one single folder.
smotifcs.pls is running ~7x faster.
* File::Find::Rule requirement was removed from Makefile.PL and
* Documentation added to
0.06 2015-04-29
* File::Find::Rule requirement was added to Makefile.PL; it is required by