Changes for Filter::QuasiQuote releases
0.07 - Aug 20, 2008
* Now we enforce the use of newline characters in the filter because the user concrete filters seem having problems doing it right.
0.06 - Aug 18, 2008
* Improved the parsing speed of the quasiquote parser by using maximized step length.
0.05 - Aug 6, 2008
* Fixed the license in Makefile.PL; should be "MIT" rather than "perl".
0.04 - Aug 6, 2008
* Changed the filter method API. The argument list is now:
$source, $filename, $line_number, $col_number
* No longer use utf8 encoding in the POD due to the failure in some peculiar systems w/o utf8 encoding support.
0.01 - Aug 5, 2008
* Initial CPAN release