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Changes for Test::Nginx
0.18 - 2012-02-03
* feature: added new section "--- no_error_log" which could be used to specify
patterns of lines that do not appear in error.log at all.
environments that should be kept through nginx reload and restart.
* doc: added Naxsi and ngx_rds_csv to the user module list in the POD documentation.
* feature: now we can use the environment TEST_NGINX_USE_VALGRIND to specify the
valgrind command-line options, when set to 1 or other non-zero numbers, it is
effectively equivalent to the value "--tool=memcheck --leak-check=full". To
use Valgrind SGCheck to run the tests, just specify the environment
TEST_NGINX_USE_VALGRIND="--tool=exp-sgcheck" first.
* feature: added support for environment TEST_NGINX_VERBOSE.
* feature: added support for environment TEST_NGINX_USE_HUP.
* feature: added support for the TEST_NGINX_POSTPONE_OUTPUT environment.
* feature: now we'll retry sending the QUIT signal for at most 5 times when the
nginx process is refusing to quit. after 5 trials, KILL signal will be sent.
* feature: exposes the "master_off" API which turns off the nginx master process.
* feature: added new section "--- ignore_response" to test bad responses.
* bugfix: Test::Nginx::Socket will retry 10 times if fail to connect because nginx
with valgrind can be very slow to start in some systems.
* feature: added new section name "--- error_log" to test error lines. requested
by Piotr Sikora in the last year or so.
* feature: added the TEST_NGINX_EVENT_TYPE environment to specify an event API type
(like "epoll" or "select") when running the test suite.
0.17 - 2011-11-04
* bugfix: do not strip trailing CRCF for response headers in
Test::Nginx::Socket's response parser.
* bugfix: fixed issues in Content-Length response header handling in case of
pipelined reqeusts.
* bugfix: fixed the pipelined_requests section support.
* feature: added support for user file timestamp.
0.16 - 2011-07-07
* fixed a bug that length(undef) produced lots of warnings on perl 5.10.x.
thanks Guo Ying (shrimp).
* now we automatically retry connecting for 3 times (1 sec delay)
in Test::Nginx::Socket::send_request. this will help automatically recovering
from random slow valgrind loading problems.
* when the directories specified in --- user_files do not exist, Test::Nginx will create it
* now we'll issue warning when there is extra bytes after the last chunk in the chunked response parser.
0.15 - 2011-05-23
* fixed a bug when using arrays in the "response_body" (and other similar) section when there was only one request.
* fixed presentation problems in the HTML generated from the POD.
* added documentation for the TEST_NGINX_* variables.
* added "local $?" in Test::Nginx::Util::END to avoid confusing Test::Builder::_ending()
* removed "use Test::More" from Test::Nginx::Socket because Test::Base already loads it.
0.14 - 2011-05-12
* now we require Parallel::ForkManager, Text::Diff, and Test::Base.
* the --- request section now supports multiple requests and even "packeting"
(see documentation for details). And it should be backward compatible.
Of course, the "expected" sections have been upgraded to expect
(and even require) arrays in this situation.
* updated quite a bit the documentation.
* deprecated request_eval and response_body_eval. If you use them, the
test will pass but you will be issued a "diag" statement telling you
to move to "request eval" and "response_body eval" respectively.
* added new implementation for pipelined requests and raw requests.
Rewrote SKIP statement to be less verbose and more in line with what
is recommended on Test::Nginx.
* added support for environment variable TEST_NGINX_FORCE_RESTART_ON_TEST.
Defaults to 1. Must be explicitly set to 0 to avoid restarting the nginx
server when the config does not change between two tests.
This also brings support for allowing config not to be set.
and having a config section only on the first test, you can have all tests
use the same config.
* added support for environment variable TEST_NGINX_NO_NGINX_MANAGER (defaults
to 0) which will disable the nginx management code (stop/config/start).
Very useful when you want to run tests on an already running NGINX (set
port your running nginx is listening on).
0.13 - 2011-03-08
* documented the TEST_NGINX_PORT environment.
0.12 - 2011-03-08
* documented the etcproxy and valgrind integration support.
* implemented the no_nginx_manager utility function
* documented the difference between Test::Nginx::Socket and Test::Nginx::LWP.
* allow numbers in TEST_NGINX_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH env names.
* added support for --- raw_response_headers_like.
* fixed a bug in the can_run sub.
0.11 - 2010-10-09
* add TEST_NGINX_BUILDSLAVE and --- skip_slave.
* implemented the TEST_NGINX_IGNORE_MISSING_DIRECTIVES which can
force test cases to skip when the directive is not
found in the current nginx.
* added support for env TEST_NGINX_TIMEOUT.
* implemented TEST_NGINX_XXX env expansion in --- config and --- http_config sections.
0.10 - 2010-08-19
* we use our own can_run function rather than Module::Install::Can's.
* added TEST_NGINX_MASTER_PROCESS, rename TEST_NGINX_ROOT to less confusing TEST_NGINX_SERVROOT and reorder priority of TEST_NGINX_{CLIENT_,SERVER_,}PORT environment options. (Piotr Sikora)
* added support for TEST_NGINX_NO_SHUFFLE env as requested by Piotr Sikora :)
* added support for TEST_NGINX_LOG_LEVEL env but it can be overriden on the script level by calling the log_level function.
* added support for TEST_NGINX_ERROR_LOG: if this env is specified to some file path, then all the error log by all the test cases will be accumulated to that file.
* Now the test script driven by Test::Nginx will tell nginx to quit by default. The TEST_NGINX_NO_CLEAN=1 env setting will give back the old behavior :) Thanks Piotr Sikora for requesting this.
* added support for --- main_config.
* Make Test::Nginx more friendly to the environment (Piotr Sikora)
Added environment variables:
TEST_NGINX_BINARY - full path to the nginx binary,
TEST_NGINX_ROOT - path where server root should be created,
TEST_NGINX_PORT - port number that should be used by client and server
(takes precedence over _CLIENT_PORT and _SERVER_PORT),
TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT - port number that should be used by the server.
* add environment variable TEST_NGINX_SLEEP
* added support for ngx_openresty in nginx version parser.
0.09 - Wed 07 Jul 2010 02:57:13 PM CST
* added new section --- user_files which will create user files under html/.
* applied the patch from Piotr Sikora to add the --- skip_nginx2 directive.
* use the latest nginx version as the default if the version number can not be parsed from "nginx -V".
* added support for ! HEADER syntax to --- response_headers such that we can test if a response header exists.
* fixed some bugs in --- response_headers.
* now TEST_NGINX_USE_VALGRIND=1 works out of the box. one can ualso use test/valgrind.suppress file to serve as a default suppression file.
* better diagnostics for socket timeout outputs.
* added support for the --- charset section.
* use localhost as the server_name in the test nginx.conf.
* added support for the server_addr sub as well as the TEST_NGINX_CLIENT_PORT environment.
* always use Time::HiRes's sleep. this issue was reported by leicheng++.
* added new config function no_root_location as well as the new section --- init.
0.08 - Tue 26 Jan 2010 12:20:03 PM CST
* fixed a bug in the chunked parser in Test::Nginx::Socket:
now we immediately stop reading more data chunks when
seeing the last chunk.
* added func no_long_string to Test::Nginx::Socket and
Test::Nginx::LWP so that we can disable
Test::LongString in the test scaffold.
* added utility config functions "workers", "log_level", and
"master_on" to Test::Nginx::Socket.
* added ngx_rds_json and ngx_xss modules to the module
list that uses Test::Nginx::Socket.
0.07 - Tue 05 Jan 2010 10:06:56 AM CST
* we now use IO::Select in Test::Nginx::Socket to save CPU resources
while polling the non-blocking socket.
* POD: added ngx_drizzle to the module list that use Test::Nginx::Socket.
* added utility config functions "worker_connections" and
0.06 - Thu 24 Dec 2009 10:59:29 AM CST
* we now disable the nginx daemon mode in the config file by default.
* we now generate a default index.html page under the root /.
* added support for the new --- http_config section so that you can
put upstream foo { ... } in it.
0.05 - Tue 22 Dec 2009 10:17:44 AM CST
* added support for gcc profiling via the
$Nginx::Util::Profiling variable.
* fixed the chunked decoder for large chunks.
0.04 - Fri 18 Dec 2009 04:09:02 PM CST
* added new sections --- raw_request and
--- raw_request_middle_delay to Test::Nginx::Socket.
* added new functions config_preamble and repeat which
are exported by default.
0.03 - Tue 15 Dec 2009 11:35:07 AM CST
- refactored a lot of duplicate code between
Test::Nginx::LWP and Test::Nginx::Socket to
a separate module named Test::Nginx::Util.
- now Test::Nginx::Socket also restart the nginx
server at every test case run.
- added support for --- request_eval and
--- response_eval to Test::Nginx::Socket.
0.02 - Wed 09 Dec 2009 09:50:11 AM CST
- skipped the POD coverage tests for now.
0.01 - Tue 08 Dec 2009 11:07:51 AM CST
- initial release.