Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler

0.09    2009-05-07 09:15:00
        - Change from NEXT to MRO::Compat. (agladdish)

0.08    2008-01-12 11:00:00
        - Clear existing state file during startup. (hovenko)

0.07    2006-07-17 12:15:00
        - Fix for loading the config with YAML 0.60+
        - Prefer YAML::Syck, with fallback to

0.06    2006-03-10 10:10:00
        - Added $c->scheduler_state public method to allow users to
          build admin screens detailing the current status of every
          event, the last time it ran, and the last output or error.
        - Store the last runtime and last output from each event for
          display in scheduler_state/dump_these.
        - Added additional YAML tests.

0.05    2005-12-29 15:50:00
        - Fixed bug when using @monthly.

0.04    2005-12-28 15:15:00
        - Added dump_these support to display all event info on the
          debug screen.

0.03    2005-12-15 16:00:00
        - Fixed yaml_file option.

0.02    2005-12-15 15:40:00
        - Fixed pod coverage.
        - Hide timezone warning unless logging is enabled.
        - Hide expected errors during test 4.

0.01    2005-12-15 15:30:00
        - initial release