Revision history for perl module Net::AS2
1.0101 2019-03-11
- POST request sets the Message-Id surrounded with angle brackets
- send() accepts Filename key to set Content-Disposition filename
- decode_message() extracts Content-Disposition filename.
On success, Net::AS2::Message->filename() will return it.
The filename value is also stored in the serialised Message.
- MDN->match_mic() returns 1 when both partners request Encryption only
1.01 2019-02-21
- Set default filename, so that Oracle B2B accepts the request
1.001 2019-02-08
- Validate message id using Email::Address::addr_spec
Allow for angle bracket quotes
[File extensions]
- Accept any file extension for key and certificate files
- Use $VERSION instead of package MODULE VERSION
- pass harsher Perl Critic tests
[AS2 Version]
- Update documentation to specify AS2 Version 1.0.
Version 1.1 compression is not implemented
1.0 2019-01-30
- Update POD documentation
- Accept an HTTP::Headers compatible object for the headers parameter in
decode_message() and decode_mdn(). A hash ref is also still accepted.
- Use and configure Dist::Zilla
- Review POD style
- Fix POD content errors
[*File options]
- Enable private key and certificates to be read in from files
[HTTPS support]
- Enable UserAgent class to be configured
- Provide support for sending requests over HTTPS
[Enable SHA-2 support]
- Use Digest::SHA to provide support for sha1 and sha2 signing.
SHA-2 is not officially part of the AS2 RFC specification but
is commonly implemented in AS2 implementations.
[Bugfixes to ensure communication compatibility]
- Tested communication with as2-server
- Tested communication with RSSBus
- Remove trailing whitespace
- Remove use of experimental smartmatch feature
- minor corrections of POD
- Split up tests so that older Perl versions pass.
This avoids some memory leak with Crypt::SMIME.
- Add 2019 copyright
- Update Maintainer information
0.03 2015-02-12
- Fixing MIME::Tools dependency typo in Makefile
0.02 2012-11-26
- Make create_useragent() a public method, primarily for testing
0.01 2012-11-22
- Initial version