Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Table.

1.03  13 July 2000
	- Overloaded the "" string interpolation operator onto the getTable method.
      This alows the use of the object reference 'in-line' in strings.
      Thanks to "B. K. Oxley" <> for this suggestion.

1.02  12 July 2000
    - Changed setBorder, setCellPadding, setCellSpacing code to allow the attribute
      to take zero (0) values.

1.01  7th July 2000
    - Minor changes to the documentation section of

1.00  5th July 2000
	- New maintainer, Anthony Peacock (

	- Added method - getCell(row_num, col_num) - to return the contents of 
		the specified cell as a string. (

0.90  27th January 1998
	- original version created by Stacy Lacy