Revision history for Perl extension Zabbix-ServerScript

0.09 2016-08-25T03:44:26Z
    - Fixed race condition in t/04_pid.t.
    - Accepting options to create_config.
    - Changed default file logger to Log::Log4perl::Appender::File to minimize dependencies.
    - Got rid of setting UTF-8 binmode directly and via Log4perl config. Resolves #5.

0.08 2016-08-24T05:45:02Z
    - Fixed race condition in t/07_return_value.t. Resolves #4

0.07 2016-07-25T06:16:19Z
    - Fixed documentation
    - Added Term::UI to dependencies

0.06 2016-07-18T09:50:19Z
    - Implemented 'create_config'
    - Changed the way of testing if JSON is valid
    - Corrected existing tests
    - Got rid of TZ in log4perl.appender.Logfile declaration, since it is deprecated in Date::Manip

0.05 2016-07-15T06:50:49Z
    - Fixed dependencies, changed 'config_dir' to /usr/local/etc in
      Added missed dependencies: DBI, DBD::ODBC, JSON, LWP::UserAgent

0.04 2016-07-15T04:53:27Z
    - added Log::Dispatch to dependencies, changed 'pid_dir' to /tmp in

0.03 2016-07-14T09:41:41Z
    - added zabbix_sender implementation

0.02 2016-07-12T09:27:56Z
    - implemented Zabbix API

0.02 2016-07-12T09:26:21Z
    - implemented Zabbix API

0.01 2016-06-30T11:43:33Z

    - original version