Revision history for Perl extension WorkerManager

0.1001 2019-10-17T10:19:01Z

    - Fix child process check using documented method of ForkManager (thanks @itchyny)

0.1000 2019-07-03T08:54:59Z

    - remove WorkerManager::Gearman from core dist
      if you keep using it, you have to add dependency for WorkerManager::Gearman

    - replace old-style modules (UNIVERSAL::require, Class::Accessor::Fast, Class::Data::Inheritable)
    - switch to Module::Build::Tiny

0.003 2016-03-29T09:53:59Z

    - #4 Allow WM::Client ::TheSchwartz to pass DBI options (thanks @nanto)

0.002 2015-12-25T02:38:14Z

    - #3 autoflush STDOUT, STDERR even if outputs are not files

0.001 2015-03-31T02:55:30Z

    - original version