0.10 2015-11-05
        - Warn on signing with public key.
	- Fixed minimum dependency.

0.09 2015-02-21
        - Fixed padding removal in to_json.

0.08 2015-03-02
        - Removed OO-usage of Mojo::JSON.

0.07 2014-04-04
        - Coherent Artistic License 2.0.

0.06 2013-08-06
        - Disabled smartmatch.
	- Updated test suite.
        - Small improvements of the documentation.
	- Update for Mojolicious 4.23.

0.05 2013-03-04
        - Update C::MS::Key dependency.
	- Add recommendations for speed improvement.
	- Update Makefile.
	- Some improvements based on perlcritic.
	- Improvements of documentation.

0.04 2013-02-14
        - Small code improvements.
	- Update C::MS::Key dependency.

0.03 2013-02-08
	- Fix documentation bug.
	- Lots of small code improvements.

0.02 2013-02-06
        - Documentation tweaks.
	- Fix documentation bug.
	- Update C::MS::Key dependency.

0.01 2013-02-04
        - Initial submission to GitHub.
        - Initial submission to CPAN.