0.28 2013-04-02
- 0.28_1
- Improve documentation.
- Add SQLite tests to the suite.
- Improve Synopsis.
- Prepare first CPAN release.
- 0.28_2
- Fixed small bug in test suite for
CHI free environments.
- 0.28_3
- Fixed small bug in test suite for
CHI free environments (2).
- 0.28_4
- Circumvent bug (?) in calculations in DBD::SQLite.
- 0.28_5
- Fixed hash sorting bug in test suite.
- 0.28_6
- Improved test suite.
- 0.28_7
- Added escaped SQL for pairs.
0.27 2013-02-13
- Enable extensions.
- Add local $_ to select callbacks.
- Add local $_ to transaction callbacks.
- Add 'not in' operator.
- Make 'Offset' only work inside 'limit'
0.26 2013-02-05
- Updated year.
- Documentation tweak.
0.25 2012-12-01
- Moved "created" method to SQLite Driver.
- Improved documentation.
0.24 2012-11-28
- Bugfix for transaction callbacks.
- Bugfix for automatic prefixing.
0.23 2012-06-28
- Improved MySQL support.
- Made testsuite work with different databases.
- Added TEST_DB flag for make test.
- Added MySQL driver.
- Made SQLite instantiation a little smarter for
multi instance startups.
0.22 2012-06-13
- Added autocommit method to SQLite driver.
- improved Constructor method for SQLite files.
- Introduces import_sql method and constructor parameter.
- Improved field syntax.
- Fixed a small bug regarding in_txn.
- Added stringification to objects in pairs.
- Fixed Bug in count.
0.21 2012-05-31
- Moved Sojolicious::Oro to DBIx::Oro.
Version numbers will now be independent.
- Oro related CHANGE notes are ported to
DBIx Oro.
- Optimization for last_sql report.
- Small optimization for error reports.
- Fixed a small bug in joined tables.
- Fixed a small bug in count.
- Fixed a small bug in select callback.
- Splitted test files.
- Fixed a small bug in -order_by preparation.
- Added -group_by condition.
- Fixed a lot of bugs in the field selector.
- Made join tables a lot more powerful.
- Lots of micro optimizations.
- Made driver attribute stable.
0.20 2012-05-20
- Small optimizations to Oro.
- Deleted deprecated methods from Oro.
0.19 2012-05-01
- Added native caching option to Oro.
0.18 2012-04-25
- Added on_connect event to Oro.
0.17 2012-04-03
- Made Sojolicious::ComplexValues independent from Mojo.
- Made M::P::Date::RFC3339 independent from Mojo.
- Lots of bugfixes everywhere.
0.16 2012-04-02
- Split Oro and Oro::SQLite.
- Added Oro::SQLite.
- Added snippet, offsets, and matchinfo support to Oro::SQLite.
- Added attach and detach support to Oro::SQLite.
- Added password support to Oro.
- Added treatment support to Oro.
- Changed default errors in Oro to be printed.
- Added explain method to Oro.
- Lots of bugfixes everywhere.
0.15 2012-02-02
- Made Sojolicious::Oro thread- and fork-safe.
- Added restrictions to Sojolicious::Oro.
- Added Simple Joins to Sojolicious::Oro.
- Removed Pager support from Sojolicious::Oro.
- Added distinct restriction to Sojolicious::Oro.
- Added multiple insertions with default to
- Multiple bugfixes to Sojolicious::Oro,
- Added operator support for Sojolicious::Oro.
0.14 2011-12-30
- Added Sojolicious::ComplexValues.
- Added Transactions to Sojolicious::Oro.
- Added table method to Sojolicious::Oro and
improved transactions and multiple insertions.
0.13 2011-12-15
- Made the multiple inserts in Sojolicious::Oro
independent from Transactions.
0.12 2011-11-09
- Added Oro to the Sojolicious bundle.