0.14 2016-08-30
- Fixed META_MERGE in Makefile.
0.13 2016-04-01
- Added dependency of Digest::JHash,
as there seem to be broken builds of CHI out there
(dependencies in CHI are correkt; cpantesters).
0.12 2015-11-14
- Removed smartmatch in tests.
- Made dependencies more concrete.
0.11 2015-01-16
- Improve error handling in commands.
0.10 2015-01-16
- Improve documentation regarding precedence of configuration.
- Improve config check.
- Improve license information in M::P::CHI::chi.
- Update year.
0.09 2014-04-20
- Bugfix test suite.
0.08 2014-04-17
- Logging now defaults to application log.
- Update requirements.
- Added commands.
0.07 2014-04-01
- Update year.
- Documentation tweaks on CHI.
- Fixed License issue (now coherent Artistic License 2.0; max).
0.06 2013-03-08
- Update year.
- Update description.
- Documentation tweaks.
- Namespaces parameter now set by default
(the opposite was deprecated in 0.04).
- Improve test suite.
- Warn regarding non-unique cache handles.
0.05 2012-12-07
- Fix for never started IOLoops.
- Removed IOLoop dependency (reneeb).
0.04 2012-11-26
- Introduced 'namespaces' parameter.
0.03 2012-11-26
- Fixed typo in synopsis (borisdaeppen).
0.02 2012-11-19
- Small improvements on the documentation.
0.01 2012-10-31
- Separation from Sojolicious package.
- Initial submission to GitHub.
- Initial submission to CPAN.