0.14 2015-04-24
        - Updated to Mojolicious 6.00.

0.13 2014-10-17
        - Updated to Mojolicious 5.49.
	- Fixed test suite for new every_param() method.

0.12 2014-05-31
        - Compatibility fix for link headers in Mojo versions > 4.99.

0.11 2014-05-29
        - Cleanup.
	- Fixed License issue (now coherent Artistic License 2.0).

0.10 2013-08-03
        - Update to Mojolicious 4.23.

0.09 2013-05-20
        - Fixed for Mojolicious 4.0 compatibility.

0.08 2013-04-19
        - Improved documentation.
	- Updated dependencies.

0.07 2013-03-31
        - Bug fixes from development versions.

0.06 2013-03-29
        - Improved documentation.
	- Improved content handling in example app.
	- Fixed bug in using "values" with a dereferenced array.
	- Fixed prototype bug.
        - 0.06_1: Improved test suite.
	- 0.06_2: Deleted all ~~ from test suite.
	- 0.06_3: Sort topics.

0.05 2013-03-23
        - Fixed a bug in the subscription process
	  of the example app.

0.04 2013-03-22
        - Fixed base bug in discovery.
	- Fixed bug in encoding.
	- Made example app working in real world.
	- Don't use constants.
	- Improve documentation.
	- Change lease seconds default to 9 days.
	- Add screenshot of example app.
	- First CPAN release.

0.03 2013-03-14
	- Added discovery.
	- Improved example script.
	- Changed default lease seconds to 7 days,
	  as appspot has a maximum of 10 days.

0.02 2013-03-12
        - Changed 'on_pubsub_acceptance' hook
	  to 'pubsub_accept' callback.
        - Changed 'on_pubsub_verification' hook
	  to 'pubsub_verify' callback.
	- Added example script.

0.01 2013-02-05
  	- Small improvements to documentation.
        - Separation from Sojolicious package.
        - Initial submission to GitHub.