0.10 2013-03-18
- Partially reimplemented due to
a bug with mounted apps.
- Update dependencies.
0.09 2013-03-16
- Update year.
- Documentation tweaks.
- Change title of endpoints command.
- Small bugfix in port setting.
0.08 2012-11-19
- Small bugfix regarding empty queries.
0.07 2012-11-13
- Small bugfix regarding warnings.
0.06 2012-11-03
- Small improvement regarding no-placeholder URIs.
- Small improvements of the documentation.
0.05 2012-10-30
- Add setting function to endpoint helper.
- Small improvements of the test suite.
0.04 2012-10-28
- Small improvements/corrections of the documentation.
0.03 2012-10-28
- Corrections regarding meta data.
- Small improvements of the documentation.
0.02 2012-10-28
- Small improvements/corrections of the documentation.
- Small code improvements.
0.01 2012-10-28
- Separation from Sojolicious package.
- Initial submission to GitHub.
- Initial submission to CPAN.