0.09 2013-09-10
- Delete deprecation warnings.
0.08 2013-08-03
- Update to Mojolicious 4.23.
0.07 2013-05-21
- Updated dependencies.
0.06 2013-05-20
- Fixed Mojolicious 4.0 compatibility.
0.05 2013-04-06
- Fixed dependency bug.
0.04 2013-04-06
- Update dependencies.
- Improved test suite.
- Deprecated namespace parameter and
unprepended classes.
0.03 2013-03-28
- Fix bug in redefined helpers.
0.02 2013-03-24
- Fix bug in documentation.
- Small improvements in Synopsis.
0.01 2013-03-23
- Initial CPAN release.
- Separation from Sojolicious package.
- Initial submission to GitHub.