package WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3; { $WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3::VERSION = '0.12'; } use Any::Moose; use Carp; use JSON; use HTTP::Tiny; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3 - Perl interface to GitHub's Gist pastebin service (v3) =head1 VERSION version 0.12 =cut has 'api_url' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => '' ); =head1 SYNOPSIS use feature 'say'; use WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3; my $gist = WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3 -> new( id => '1216637', #user => $username, #password => $password ); # Fetch and print information my $gist_info = $gist -> show; say $gist_info -> {'description'}; say $gist_info -> {'user'} -> {'login'}; say $gist_info -> {'git_pull_url'}; say $gist_info -> {'git_push_url'}; # Show files my $files = $gist_info -> {'files'}; foreach my $file (keys %$files) { say $files -> {$file} -> {'filename'}; say $files -> {$file} -> {'content'}; } # Create a new gist my $new_gist_info = $gist -> create( description => $descr, public => 1, files => {'name1' => 'content', 'name2' => 'content'} ); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<WWW::GitHub::Gist> is an object-oriented interface to the pastebin service of GitHub L<>. This is the interface to the version 3 of the API. =head1 METHODS =head2 new( ) Create a new WWW::GitHub::Gist object. Takes the following arguments: =over 4 =item * C<id> Gist id. =cut has 'id' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', ); =item * C<user> Username =cut has 'user' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', ); =item * C<password> Authenticating user's password. =cut has 'password' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', ); =back The username and password are used for the methods that require auth. The username is also used in the C<list()> method. =head2 show( $gist_id ) Fetch information of the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new. Returns an hash ref containing the gist's information. =cut sub show { my $self = shift; my $gist = shift || $self -> id; return $self -> get_json_obj("/gists/$gist"); } =head2 list( $user ) List all gists of the given user. By default uses the 'user' attribute defined in ->new. Returns a list of hash refs containing the gists' information. =cut sub list { my $self = shift; my $user = shift || $self -> user; return $self -> get_json_obj("/users/$user/gists"); } =head2 create( %args ) Create a new gist. Takes the following arguments: =over 4 =item * C<description> The description for the new gist (optional). =item * C<public> Whether the new gist is public or not (optional, defaults to '1'). =item * C<files> A hash reference containing the new gist's file names and conttents. =back Returns an hash ref containing the new gist's information. (requires authentication) =cut sub create { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $descr = $args{'description'}; my $public = $args{'public'} ? 1 : 0; my $files = $args{'files'}; my $data = { 'description' => $descr, 'public' => $public == 1 ? JSON::true : JSON::false, 'files' => {} }; while (my ($filename, $content) = each(%$files)) { $data -> {'files'} -> {$filename} = {'content' => $content}; } return $self -> post_json_obj($data, '/gists'); } =head2 edit( %args ) Updates a gist. Takes the following arguments: =over 4 =item * C<id> The id of the gist to be updated. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new. =item * C<description> The updated description for the gist (optional). =item * C<public> Whether the new gist is public or not (optional, defaults to '1'). =item * C<files> A hash reference containing the gist's updated file names and conttents. =back Returns an hash ref containing the updated gist's information. (requires authentication) =cut sub edit { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $descr = $args{'description'}; my $files = $args{'files'}; my $public = $args{'public'} ? 1 : 0; my $gist = $args{'id'} || $self -> id; my $data = { 'description' => $descr, 'public' => $public == 1 ? JSON::true : JSON::false, 'files' => {} }; while (my ($filename, $content) = each(%$files)) { $data -> {'files'} -> {$filename} = { 'content' => $content, 'filename' => $filename }; } return $self -> patch_json_obj($data, "/gists/$gist"); } =head2 fork($gist_id) Forks the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new. Returns an hash ref containing the forked gist's information. (requires authentication) =cut sub fork { my $self = shift; my $gist = shift || $self -> id; return $self -> post_json_obj("", "/gists/$gist/fork"); } =head2 delete($gist_id) Deletes the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new. Returns nothing. (requires authentication) =cut sub delete { my $self = shift; my $gist = shift || $self -> id; $self -> delete_json_obj("/gists/$gist"); } =head2 star($gist_id) Stars the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new. Returns nothing. (requires authentication) =cut sub star { my $self = shift; my $gist = shift || $self -> id; $self -> put_json_obj("/gists/$gist/star"); } =head2 unstar($gist_id) Unstars the given gist. By default uses the 'id' attribute defined in ->new. Returns nothing. (requires authentication) =cut sub unstar { my $self = shift; my $gist = shift || $self -> id; $self -> delete_json_obj("/gists/$gist/star"); } =head1 PRIVATE METHODS =head2 get_json_obj =cut sub get_json_obj { my ($self, $url) = @_; my $req_url = $self -> api_url.$url; my $response = HTTP::Tiny -> new -> get($req_url); my $resp_data = from_json $response -> {'content'}; croak $resp_data -> {'message'} unless $response -> {'status'} == 200; return $resp_data; } =head2 post_json_obj =cut sub post_json_obj { my ($self, $data, $url) = @_; my $req_url = $self -> api_url.$url; my $options = { 'content' => to_json($data), 'headers' => $self -> basic_auth_header }; my $response = HTTP::Tiny -> new -> request('POST', $req_url, $options); my $resp_data = from_json $response -> {'content'}; croak $resp_data -> {'message'} unless $response -> {'status'} == 201; return $resp_data; } =head2 patch_json_obj =cut sub patch_json_obj { my ($self, $data, $url) = @_; my $req_url = $self -> api_url.$url; my $options = { 'content' => to_json($data), 'headers' => $self -> basic_auth_header }; my $response = HTTP::Tiny -> new -> request('PATCH', $req_url, $options); my $resp_data = from_json $response -> {'content'}; croak $resp_data -> {'message'} unless $response -> {'status'} == 200; return $resp_data; } =head2 put_json_obj =cut sub put_json_obj { my ($self, $url) = @_; my $req_url = $self -> api_url.$url; my $headers = $self -> basic_auth_header; $headers -> {'Content-Length'} = 0; my $options = { 'headers' => $headers }; my $response = HTTP::Tiny -> new -> request('PUT', $req_url, $options); use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $response; if ($response -> {'status'} != 204) { my $resp_data = from_json $response -> {'content'}; croak $resp_data -> {'message'}; } } =head2 delete_json_obj =cut sub delete_json_obj { my ($self, $url) = @_; my $req_url = $self -> api_url.$url; my $headers = $self -> basic_auth_header; my $options = { 'headers' => $self -> basic_auth_header }; my $response = HTTP::Tiny -> new -> request('DELETE', $req_url, $options); if ($response -> {'status'} != 204) { my $resp_data = from_json $response -> {'content'}; croak $resp_data -> {'message'}; } } =head2 basic_auth_header =cut sub basic_auth_header { require MIME::Base64; my $self = shift; croak 'Provide valid credentials' if (!$self -> user || !$self -> password); my $token = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($self -> user.':'.$self -> password, ''); return {'Authorization' => "Basic $token"}; } =head1 AUTHOR Alessandro Ghedini <> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 Alessandro Ghedini. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut no Any::Moose; __PACKAGE__ -> meta -> make_immutable; 1; # End of WWW::GitHub::Gist::v3