Revision history for Perl module Business::Hours

  * POD fixes

  * perl 5.14 compatibility

  * Add support for "breaks" during business hours -- 
		Joao Miguel Neves <>

0.09 Fri Nov 28 01:46:33 MSK 2008
  * add support for holidays

0.08 Mon Aug 18 16:06:33 EDT 2008
  * Make between work even if the user hasn't called for_timespan yet
    (which calculates our spans for us)
  * Typo fixes, cleanup formatting and documentation some more
  * $end >= $start + $MAXTIME never ends because we keep moving
    $start and $end forward.  Calculate the 30 day drop date
    before the loop.

0.07 Fri Jul  8 11:44:39 EDT 2005
  * Unembed tests  
  * POD cleanup (and add pod tests)
  * no longer an exporter that exports nothing 
	in certain time zones (try Guam, for example), the epoch   
	is a business hour, which led to some tests being run with 
	start hours of 0, which caught a few places in the code that   
	were checking $hours->first when they should have been checking
	defined $hours->first (or actually $hours->empty)  
0.03 April 1 2003
- fixed a bug in between

0.02 Feb 20 2003
- added "between" as a method, as well as a testsuite

0.01 Tue Feb 11 14:58:20 2003
	- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.31229