Revision history for perl module Config::GitLike

1.13 2014-04-22

    - Only expand ~ in paths if they are the first character
    - Implement include.path, as git 1.7.10 and above do

1.12 2013-08-05

    - Reformat Changes file to follow CPAN::Changes::Spec; no functional

1.11 2013-08-04

    - Switch from the deprecated Any::Moose to Moo

1.10 2012-11-07

    - Provide and API got accessing the original key that a value was set
      with, in a case-preserving way.  If the case of the key in a file
      matters, it is now possible to determine.
    - The 'name' value passed to the 'callback' parameter is now no longer
      forced to lower-case, as a consequence.

1.09 2012-08-10

    - Multiple bug fixes concerning filters, including empty filters,
      valueless keys, and applying filters to single values.
    - Add "human" argument to get_all and get_regexp, to match get
    - Add an add_comment method
    - Add an encoding attribute, which adds the appropriate layer on file I/O
    - Enforce that all keys must have sections, as git began doing

1.08 2012-02-15

    - Fix loading of user_file, broken in dcdd01f, due to unexpanded ~

1.07 2011-10-25

    - Fix a spelling mistake in Config::GitLike::Cascaded
      (, forwarded by

1.06 2011-10-12

    - Allow calling ->load_file as a class method, for simple use cases
    - Fix a parsing bug when quoted strings directly adjoined to unquoted
      strings (alexmv)
    - Calling ->load_file on a nonexistant file no longer sets ->is_loaded
    - Document that getters implicitly call ->load (alexmv)
    - Make ->dump implicitly call ->load as well (alexmv)
    - Minor POD fixes (alexmv, spang)

1.05 2011-01-07

    - support Module::Install::ExtraTests 0.007 (sunnavy)
    - properly set is => 'rw' in inherited classes (trs, alexmv)
    - silence lc warnings on undef under perl 5.12 (

1.04 2010-04-03

    - The functionality of Config::GitLike::Cascaded has been folded into
      Config::GitLike as a "cascade" option, and the subpackage is now
      deprecated. (alexmv)
    - Config::GitLike::Git->new->load("/path/to/git") when the path is
      lacking a ".git", or is a bare repository, now works. (alexmv)
    - Fixed a bug wherein the home directory config file would be loaded
      twice, causing all values to be multiple, if that was your cwd.
      Reported by rjbs. (alexmv)
    - Allow explicitly calling ->load_file without previously having
      called ->load (alexmv)

1.03 2010-01-03

    - Filter without replace_all should only replace the _first_ match
    - Having a matching filter with multiple and not replace_all does mean
      replacement (alexmv)
    - Fix a test that failed because multiple now works, and we're too smart
    - Fix for when ->set_multiple called with no arguments (alexmv)

1.02 2009-08-19

    - Bugfixes and extra tests for escaped \ and " in subsections (sunnavy)
    - win32 fixes (sunnavy)
    - auto-escape \ and " in subsections on set (sunnavy)

1.01 2009-08-11

    - Fix breakage under Mouse due to Moose references
    - New Config::GitLike::Git module for loading config
      files from the git locations
    - various cleanups of Makefile.PL
    - remove extraneous dep Regexp::Common

1.00 2009-07-08

    - Initial release