Revision history for Net-Server-Coro

0.7    Tue Dec 15 22:25:17 2009
        * Use Coro::Specific variables for client filehandle, socket,
          and peer info

0.6    Fri Oct 16 10:55:17 2009
        * Allow ->new to take paths to server certificate and key
          files, and propagate them down to both SSL and TLS

0.5    Thu Oct 15 23:45:42 2009
        * Allow start_SSL to take paths to server certificate and key
          files (thanks to Dan Keder for the patch).
        * Add missing Net::SSLeay dependency (thanks to Andreas

0.4    Wed Oct 22 13:40:58 2008
        * No code changes
        * Hide Net::Server::Proto::TCP class from PAUSE indexer

0.3    Wed Oct 22 13:33:56 2008
        * Fixed licensing -- now licensed under the MIT license
        * Better bullet-proofing on SSL errors
        * Fix a bug where Net::Server closed the most recently-opened
          connection whenever any connection closed.

0.2    Mon Mar 10 15:20:08 2008
        * Initial release to CPAN