Revision history for Perl extension MIME::Lite::HTML.

0.01  Wed Oct 25 15:39:26 2000
     - original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
          -X -n MIME::Lite::HTML

0.2   2000/10/26 20:08:06 
     - Update remplacement of relative url

0.3   2000/10/26 22:55:46
     - Add parsing for form (action and input image)
0.4   2000/11/12 18:52:56
     - Add feature of replace word in gabarit (for newsletter by example)
     - Include body background
0.5   2000/11/13 21:36:58
     - Arg, forgot cariage return in fill_template :-(

0.6   2000/12/13 11:02:58  alian
     - Allow sup parameter for MIME-Lite in constructor
     - Add parameter for parse url to include a text file when HTML
    is not supported by client.
    - Include other background than body