1.07 -
    * XAO::Utils - added t2hj for javascript translations

1.06 - 11-Jan-2005
    * XAO::Utils - set_logprint_handler()
    * XAO::TestUtils - 'use blib' is optional now
    * XAO::Utils - get_debug() added
    * XAO::TestUtils - support for package building
      (xao_mf_check_consistency & xao_mf_fix_permissions)
    * Changed from SleepyCat based proprietary open source compatible
      license to the standard "Artistic".
    * Internal CVS version numbers bumped to >=2.1 and the way VERSION
      is generated is changed. Otherwise CPAN thinks that 1.13 is
      smaller than 1.4

1.05 - 12-Nov-2003
    * XAO::Utils - get_args works as merge_refs on multiple hash refs
    * XAO::TestUtils - new module, automated testing for XAO packages
    * XAO::DO::Embeddable - optional base class for embeddable configs
    * XAO::Utils - fround() function added

1.04 - 9-Aug-2002
    * XAO::Utils - t2hq() now escapes semicolon
    * Minor changes to support XAO::Web and XAO::FS improvements

1.03 - 18-Mar-2002
    * XAO::Cache - generic cache interface (new)
    * XAO::DO::Cache::Memory - memory cache (new)
    * XAO::DO::Atom - suggested base class (new)
    * XAO::Errors - added support for throwing by known class name

1.02 - 3-Jan-2002
    * minor fixes
    * line counter in Objects.pm fixed, was off by one line in
      error messages

1.01 - 4-Dec-2001
    * fixed SimpleHash->new
    * added cleanup() method to XAO::DO::Config
    * fixed XAO::Projects::get_project() method
    * Config::init() now calls init() on all embedded objects

1.0 - 2-Nov-2001
    * Initial public release