Revision history for Perl extension USB::LibUSB.

0.06 2019-02-27
    - Fix data structure of libusb_config_descriptor: Support multiple interfaces

0.05 2017-09-29
    - Add driver installation docs for Windows
    - document 'last_retval' method

0.04 2017-09-21
    - Fix documentation of bulk_write and interrupt_write
    - Makefile.PL: Check libusb version with pkg-config

0.03 2017-08-27
    - Add missing functions to @EXPORT list
0.02 2017-08-24
    - Add repo data to META
0.01 2017-08-23
	- first CPAN release
    - on PrePAN:
    - Implement all portable features of libusb-1.0 including USB 3.0 descriptors
    - Not yet implemented: Async interface, hotplug events, polling
    - Raw XS interface: USB::LibUSB::XS
    - More High-level interface: USB::LibUSB (currently uses Moo for OO)