0.016 2022-10-07
- Collection.pm
- removed: 'load' and 'unload' from the Collections API
(deprecated upstream)
- added: 'bulk_import' to import an array of documents
0.015 2021-02-20
- Add configuration option for scheme (defaults to http)
- Add http_status method to get last request HTTP status code
- Refactored API module code.
0.014 2021-02-19
- Collection.pm
- new method: document
- Guarantee sequential testing.
0.013 2020-06-24
- Skip tests if authentication fails.
0.012 2020-05-04
- May the 4th be with you!
- Collection.pm
- new methods: get_indexes and create_ttl_index
(thanks to João Miguel Ferreira)
0.011 2020-01-14
- Changed access_level API: new parameter order.
- Rewrote part of the method definition, making it easier to maintain.
- Use HTTP::Tiny methods in uppercase (fix 3.6.0 ArangoDB incompatibility).
0.010 2019-05-01
- Tango.pm:
- Obtain current database;
- Create database support full REST options;
- list_databases changed to list only user-accessible databases;
- list_collections removed.
- Database.pm
- list_collections support excludeSystem option;
- create_collection supports all REST options;
- Collection.pm
- new methods: info, checksum, count, figures, load, unload, properties,
rotate, revision, set_properties, rename, recalculate_count, load_indexes,
0.009 2019-04-29
- Tango.pm:
- Get user permissions for specific database/Collection (get_access_level)
- Set user permissions for specific database/Collection (set_access_level)
- Clear user permissions for specific database/Collection (clear_access_level)
- Database.pm:
- Delete route (delete)
- Obtain user access level (get_access_level)
- Set user access level (set_access_level)
- Clear user access level (clear_access_level)
- Update user data (update_user)
- Replace user data (replace_user)
- Collection.pm
- Obtain user access level (get_access_level)
- Set user access level (set_access_level)
- Clear user access level (clear_access_level)
0.008 2019-04-26
- User admin routes (list_users, user, user_databases)
- Cluster metadata routes (server_role/cluster_endpoints)
- Server routes (engine)
0.007 2019-04-24
- Cluster metadata routes (server_id)
- Metadata routes (target_version, log, log_level, server_availability, server_mode)
- Be creative. New module name: Arango-Tango
0.006 2019-04-22
- User routes (create/delete)
- Metadata routes (status/time/statistics and statistics_description)
0.005 2019-04-11
- Cursor creation now supports all options from Arango::DB API.
- Cursor next method to request further hits.
0.004 2019-03-30
- Rewrote REST API calls
- Validate options with JSON::Schema::Fit
0.003 2019-03-25
- Added 'collection' method.
- Reworked tests to delete the testing database if it exists.
(dangerous, but will keep for now)
- Testing mechanism for uri parameters under work.
- Complete support for: _api/version
- First cursor implementation
0.0002 2019-03-23
- Require specific version of MIME::Base64 for encode_base64url method.
0.0001 2019-03-22
- Basic version. Almost useless. A two hour begining.