Revision history for Lingua-FreeLing3
0.01_04 Thu Feb 23 12:42:18 WET 2012
- ::Sentence now has more constructor hypothesis.
- ::Document with push/length/paragraphs? methods.
- ::Paragraph with push/length/paragraphs? methods.
0.01_03 Sat Feb 18 17:32:57 WET 2012
- FL3 now also includes:
- morph/hmm/relax/chart/txala/nec
0.01_02 Thu Feb 16 17:10:25 WET 2012
- Added a new shortcut module, FL3, including:
- splitter/tokenizer
- Added
- Lingua::FreeLing3::DepTree (kind of OK)
0.01_01 Wed Feb 15 16:09:54 WET 2012
- First version, from Lingua::FreeLing3 version 0.01_03
- Includes:
- Lingua::FreeLing3::NEC (not working)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::DepTxala (not functional)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::ChartParser (kind of OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::ParseTree (kind of OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Paragraph (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Document (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::RelaxTagger (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Tokenizer (OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Splitter (OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::HMMTagger (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::MorphAnalyzer (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Word::Analysis (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Word (mostly OK)
- Lingua::FreeLing3::Sentence (mostly OK)