Revision history for Lingua-FreeLing3

0.04    Sun Nov 25 15:07:43 WET 2012
        - ExtUtils::PkgConfig is dying when it shouldn't.

0.03    Tue Nov 20 14:52:21 WET 2012
        - Added Config::AutoConf dependency that was missing.

0.02    Fri Nov  9 16:02:38 WET 2012
        - Added Dictionary interface

0.01    Thu Oct 25 18:33:43 WEST 2012
        - Released for official FreeLing 3.0 release.
        - There is no guarantee backward support to FL3 beta versions.

0.01_07 Tue Jun  5 14:11:56 WEST 2012
        - ::EAGLES supports portuguese and spanish.
        - FL3 includes word and sentence constructors.

0.01_06 Wed May  2 14:21:19 WEST 2012
        - ::EAGLES created, much to do.
        - ::Config created for accessing config files.
        - SWIG fixes

0.01_05 Wed Mar 28 15:33:18 WEST 2012
        - ::DepTxala changed to match new FL API.
        - ::NEC tested and working.
        - ::Word with further methods.
        - SWIG fixes

0.01_04 Thu Feb 23 12:42:18 WET 2012
        - ::Sentence now has more constructor hypothesis.
        - ::Document with push/length/paragraphs? methods.
        - ::Paragraph with push/length/paragraphs? methods.

0.01_03 Sat Feb 18 17:32:57 WET 2012
        - FL3 now also includes:
          - morph/hmm/relax/chart/txala/nec

0.01_02 Thu Feb 16 17:10:25 WET 2012
        - Added a new shortcut module, FL3, including:
          - splitter/tokenizer
        - Added
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::DepTree            (kind of OK)

0.01_01 Wed Feb 15 16:09:54 WET 2012
        - First version, from Lingua::FreeLing3 version 0.01_03
        - Includes:
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::NEC               (not working)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::DepTxala       (not functional)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::ChartParser        (kind of OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::ParseTree          (kind of OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Paragraph           (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Document            (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::RelaxTagger         (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Tokenizer                  (OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Splitter                   (OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::HMMTagger           (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::MorphAnalyzer       (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Word::Analysis      (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Word                (mostly OK)
          - Lingua::FreeLing3::Sentence            (mostly OK)