Revision history for Lingua-Identify

0.22  Fri Jan 16 21:30:00 2009
	- fixed the extract_from option.
	  (Text::ExtractWords doesn't handle big files)

0.21  Sat Dec 13 11:52:00 2008
    - Fixed tests that were using installed languages.
      (still needing fixes)

0.20  Thu Dec 11 19:39:00 2008
    - Fixed tests to use $^X instead of 'perl'.

0.19  Thu Oct 16 18:02:00 2008
   - changed maintainership information.

0.18  Thu Nov 03 08:32:00 2005
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- minor changes in the documentation
	- added tests for some corner cases (empty inputs, etc)
	- added tests to increase test coverage

0.17  Wed Nov 02 11:57:00 2005
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- added tests to see if every function is loaded
	- added method langof_file, to work with files
	- added tests for langof_file
	- added more tests to increase test coverage

0.16  Thu Aug 03 00:53:00 2005
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- minor changes in the documentation

	+ changes on make-lingua-identify-language
	- added verbose mode (-V switch)

	- fixed another bug in the POD for Somali

0.15  Wed Aug 02 14:11:00 2005
	- more POD changes

0.14  Wed Aug 02 11:48:00 2005
	+ changes on make-lingua-identify-language
	- fixed a bug that was printing POD wrongly

	+ changes on languages modules
	- fixed the POD

0.13  Wed Aug 02 09:30:00 2005
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- added dummy mode, for debugging, so you know what's going on
	  under the hood
	- fixed some minor glitches in the documentation
	- added some more tests
	- reorganized existing tests
	- added 7 more languages, thanks to George Wilson (ID, MS, RO,
	  RU, SL, SO, SW)

	+ changes on langident
	- added some crude form of support for big files, with the -s

	+ changes on make-lingua-identify-language
	- fixed a potential glitch for languages with two letter codes
	  that happen to be Perl reserved words
	- fixed some POD issues

0.12  Mon Jun 21 15:38:00 2005
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- minor changes in the documentation
	- added support for big inputs (through options 'extract-from'
	  and 'max-size'; see HOW TO PERFORM IDENTIFICATION -> langof
	  -> OPTIONS)

	+ changes on langident
	- fixed a weird bug (results would vary for a file if there
	  were others being processed too; that is, `langident a` and
	  `langident a b` would return different results for "a"

0.11  Tue Dec 21 16:28:00 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- added documentation detailing the confidence level

	+ changes on make-lingua-identify-language
	- fixed the POD problem

0.10  Mon Dec 20 11:18:23 2004
	- added make-lingua-identify-language to the MANIFEST

0.09  Fri Dec 17 15:49:23 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- minor changes in the documentation

	+ added make-lingua-identify-language

0.08  Fri Nov 05 11:55:00 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- fixed a glitch in the documentation (thanks to Matti Korttila)

	+ changes on langident
	- fixed an embarassing bug (thanks to Matti Korttila)
	- fixed a bug on the -m switch
	- added some validation for the -m switch

0.07  Thu Nov 04 01:57:02 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- added 7 more languages (BG, GA, HR, HU, IS, PL, TR)
	- added pod-coverage.t to the tests directory

	+ changes on langident
	- improved the documentation (and added examples to it)
	- added the -o switch (work only with specified languages)
	- added the -e switch (chose the methods to use)
	- added the -c switch (show confidence level for most probable
	- the -d switch (debug) now actually prints something (the
	  values of the command-line options).
	- command-line options are now parsed with Getopt::Std (much

0.06  Wed Nov 03 12:20:14 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- fixed a bug in the submodules documentation
	- added the function confidence

0.05  Mon Nov 01 20:00:00 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- some more changes in the documentation
	- language modules now have some generic documentation
	- added pod.t to the tests directory
	- added a section with examples in the documentation
	- added function name_of

	+ changes on langident
	- added the -l switch: list all languages

0.04  Sat Oct 30 17:43:00 2004
	+ changes on Lingua::Identify
	- Perl required version is now 5.006
	- tests for language manipulation are now automated
	- added 11 more languages (AF, BR, BS, CY, DA, EO, FI, FY, LA, NL, NO,
	  SQ, SV)
	- added a small test to avoid confusing possible future submodules of
	  Lingua::Identify with languages
	- improved the documentation

	+ changes on langident
	- added the -m switch (limit number of languages shown)
	- langident version is now the version of Lingua::Identify

0.03  Wed Oct 27 10:13:10 2004
        - major changes in the architecture
	- major changes in the documentation
	- more languages
	- more methods
	- more stuff (see the documentation)
	- more power

0.02  Mon Jul 26 23:43:39 2004
        - basic functionality
        - added the `langident` command
        - improved documentation

0.01  Fri Oct  1 11:59:44 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XAn Lingua::Identify