Revision history for Lingua-Jspell

1.50    March 30, 2008
	- First stable release. Windows not supported yet.
	  (waiting for ExtUtils::CBuilder update)

	- Added code to create dynamic library under Strawberry Win.
	- Added a new C file to define the global variables, so that we
	  can build a library under windows.

1.50_06 March 24, 2008
	- Added code to create dynamic libraries under MacOS and Linux.
	  (although the library is build it needs some core rewritting
	   before being really useful).
	- Added jspell.pc to help other tools to detect the C library.
1.50_05 March 23, 2008
	- Portability to Microsoft Windows under development
	  (although without ncurses => no interactive spell checking)
	  - Tested with Strawberry Perl v5.10.0

1.50_04 March 21, 2008
	- Corrected scripts/ to create directory before
	  copying files.

1.50_03 March 20, 2008
	- Corrected t/pod-coverage.t test to work with perl 5.10.0.
	- Added script to install Portuguese dictionary dinamically.

1.50_02 March 19, 2008
	- Added documentation to jspell-dict script
	- Added installation rules for man pages
	- Added the Lingua-Jspell-DictManager module

1.50_01	March 19, 2008
	- First version as a Perl Module.
	- Has some building problems that should be fixed before 1.50.