#!/usr/bin/perl -s use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Lingua::NATools::Client; sub usage { print "nat-StarDict: Creates a StarDict from a NATools corpus.\n\n"; print "\tnat-StarDict <NatCorpus>\n\n"; print "For more help, please run 'perldoc nat-StarDict'\n"; exit; } our ($h); usage() if $h; my $dir = shift; usage() unless $dir; my $dic = "$dir/source-target.dmp"; die "Can't find dump." unless -f $dic; $dic = do $dic; my $client = Lingua::NATools::Client -> new ( local => $dir ); print "{\n"; for my $w1 (keys %$dic) { next if not_interesting($w1); for my $w2 (keys %{$dic->{$w1}{trans}}) { if ($dic->{$w1}{trans}{$w2} > 0.1) { my $concs = $client -> conc({direction=>'<->'}, $w1, $w2); $dic->{$w1}{sample}{$w2} = $concs -> [0]; } } print "'$w1' => ",Dumper($dic->{$w1}),",\n"; delete $dic->{$w1}; } print "}\n"; sub not_interesting { my $w = shift; return 1 if $w =~ m!\d!; return 1 if $w =~ m/[!?.;:,\(\)\{\}\[\]\/]/; return 1 if $w =~ m!^-!; return 0; } __END__ =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME nat-StarDict - Creates a StarDict from a NATools corpus. =head1 SYNOPSIS nat-StarDict <NatCorpus> =head1 DESCRIPTION This tool creates a StarDict (http://stardict.sourceforge.net) dictionary with the probabilistic translation dictionary (source-target) and translation examples for the translations with higher translation probabilities. Note that this script is *NOT* fully functional. It outputs a perl structure that needs to be converted to StarDict format. =head1 SEE ALSO NATools documentation, perl(1) =head1 AUTHOR Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões, E<lt>ambs@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões =cut