Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::PT::PLNbase.

0.10  Wed Mar 16 16:00:00 2005
	- fsentence supports tokenization and NATools output format;

0.09  Thu Nov 11  9:21:00 2004
	- Added some features to segmenter;

0.08  Wed Nov 10  9:05:00 2004
	- Corrected some more tests for bad locale systems;

0.07  Tue Nov  9 19:38:00 2004
	- Rely on Lingua::PT::Abbrev for abbreviations;
	- Added some heuristics for tokenization;
	- Added some tests;

0.06  Tue Oct  5 12:00:00 2004
	- finally, corrected the tests. Sorry for the inconvenience.

0.05  Mon Oct  4 09:33:33 2004
	- corrected tests skip in case of weird locale.

0.04  Fri Oct  1 16:00:00 2004
	- added has_accents and remove_accents functions
	- added tests for POD correctness and POD coverage

0.03  Thu Sep  2 10:46:10 2004
	- added some more tests
	- added other version of the tokenizer to the documentation
        - removed failing tests to one of the tokenizers (bad practice)
	- added documentation for fsentences
	- corrected bug with wrong substitution

0.02  Tue May 18 21:32:33 2004
	- changed module description for CPAN

0.01  Mon Mar 29 14:11:52 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X -O -b5.6.0 -n Lingua::PT::PLNbase