Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::PT::Speaker.

0.10  Fri Mar 28 20:53:60 2008
	- fixed some sounds like 'ontem'

0.09  Sat Oct 18 17:11:00 2005
	- use strict;

0.08  Sat Sep  3 14:50:00 2005
        - Pos-YAPC::EU::2005 release.
        - Corrected pt-speak to look to the '-t' option.
	- Moved from Module::Install to MakeMaker again, as I can't
          make Module::Install work correctly on my MacOS X.
	- Detect mbrola executable and, if not found, ask for one.

0.07  Tue Aug 17 15:00:00 2005
	- Changed to Module::Install instead of MakeMaker, so I can
	  autobundle Config::AutoConf, needed during configuration.

0.06  Sat Aug 13 13:40:00 2005
	- Trying to fix CPAN indexation, and add a description to the

0.05  Fri Aug 12 19:30:00 2005
	- Dependency on Config::AutoConf. Now we check automatically
          for a number of different places where the phonemes library
          could be, as well for a different number of possible wav
	- Hopefully this module starts to be prepared for CPAN;
	- Added dependency on Text::RewriteRules instead of using mktextrr
	- Rearranged directory structure.

0.04  ...
	- added mktextrr to the distribution as it is required.


0.01  Wed Apr 18 10:49:36 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-A -X -n pt::speaker