Revision history for Lingua-PTD
1.04_1 Wed Nov 28 15:13:15 WET 2012
- Added debug diag messages for unicode strings lowercasing.
1.03 Sun Nov 25 14:41:44 WET 2012
- Still finding a bug with unicode strings and lowercase.
- Force higher versions of Compress and Uncompress XZ.
1.02 Tue Nov 20 15:05:58 WET 2012
- Trying to find a bug pointed by some cpan testers.
- Fixed defined-or usage (requiring 5.10)
1.01 Tue Nov 13 15:51:50 WET 2012
- Added 'parent' to prereq modules as some installations
do not include it.
1.00 Sat Oct 27 21:39:41 WEST 2012
- Moved Lingua::NATools::PTD to Lingua::PTD for easier
standalone use.