Revision history for Lingua-TreeTagger-Installer

0.53    Sun Sep 27 21:36:43 WEST 2015
        - fix installation of cmd tools

0.52    Fri Sep 25 16:27:53 WEST 2015
        - added configure requirements

0.51    Wed Sep 23 15:53:35 WEST 2015
        - fix issue with MacOS X and separate-punctuation
        - fix issue with Portuguese language

0.50    Tue Sep 22 10:27:00 WEST 2015
        - make it work for linuxes (64/32 bits)

0.50_1  Sun Aug 26 21:48:58 WEST 2012
        Complete rewrite of the module:
        - Building the module will only install the tree-tagger main files
        - it will also install a tree-tagger-install-lang command line tool
          that can be used to install and query about installed parameter

0.13    Tue Jul 31 16:22:48 WEST 2012
        - Added german utf8 parameters file.
        - Module needs drastic rewrite, sometime in the future.

0.12	Thu Feb 18 12:02:58 WET 2010
        - fixed module name (shame)

0.11    Thu Feb 18 11:53:31 WET 2010
        - fixed binaries installation to correct place
        - fixed execution permissions

0.10    Fri Feb 12 14:06:15 WET 2010
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world, including:
        - basic builder script to download treetagger and language parameters
        - basic configuration mechanism to support more architectures and languages
          (macosx-intel and linux only in this release)