Revision history for Quiki
0.12 Sun Jun 24 13:41:05 WEST 2012
- fix POD encoding issues
0.11 Sun Aug 8 13:49:56 WEST 2010
- Fixed a smart match found in version 0.10
0.10 Sat Aug 7 15:46:05 WEST 2010
- Backported to perl 5.8.8
0.09 Sat Aug 7 15:24:34 WEST 2010
- Mental note: releases during YAPCes are not good idea.
- Added a lot of files missing in the MANIFEST
- Added a test to check the MANIFEST :)
- Added CSS for the attachments table
0.08 Thu Aug 5 09:50:13 WEST 2010
- Stupid MANIFEST mistake
0.07 Thu Aug 5 09:28:46 WEST 2010
- Multiple file uploads at once;
- Code refactoring;
- Changed favicon accordingly with the new logo;
- Minor template fixes;
0.06 Tue Aug 3 14:17:21 WEST 2010
- Quiki Star release (in honor of Rakudo Star)
- New user interface templates
- Minor tweaks;
0.05 Tue May 11 21:58:04 WEST 2010
- Removed hanging file in MANIFEST;
- Friendly quiki_create behavior;
0.04 Tue May 11 21:03:27 WEST 2010
- Remain on current node when logging in on registering;
- Fixed, yet again, problem with breadcumbs;
- Maintain node when logging on or registering, or editing info;
0.03 Wed Apr 7 21:36:01 WEST 2010
- Fixed old bug with Locks;
- Fixed bug with uploading documents that gone all to the main node;
- Fixed bug with formatting more than one URL per block.
0.02 Thu Feb 4 16:28:10 WEST 2010
- Fixed alignment problems with images;
- Added attach information to documentation page;
- Added option to close user registering link;
- Added documentation page to every wiki;
0.02_1 Mon Oct 12 18:23:51 WEST 2009
- Added administration page to give/revoke admin privileges and delete users;
- Fixed document attachment with spaces in descriptions;
- Fixed problem when hosting more than one quiki in the same machine;
0.01 Fri Sep 18 12:24:03 WEST 2009
This is not properly a stable release, but releasing a non-beta
version will force RT to create a Quiki queue.
This version adds:
- Better attach handling;
- Extra information saved during revision control;
- New page for revision control analysis;
- Quiki favicon (any designer out there?);
- New 'index' page;
- image attach alignment;
0.01_2 Wed Sep 9 12:30:09 WEST 2009
This second beta pre-release features:
- First templating structure;
- Gravatar support on user profile;
- Attach support / mimetype guessing;
- Inline external image inclusion;
- Inline internal attach inclusion;
0.01_1 Sun Sep 6 14:22:48 WEST 2009
First version, released on an unsuspecting world full of other wikis.
This pre-release features:
- installation script;
- Basic authentication;
- Basic Wiki formatter:
- paragraphs, bolds, italics, typewritter, hard-rules;
- internal and external links and named links;
- ordered and bulleted lists at multiple depths;
- tables with alignment properties;
- verbatim zones;
- Basic control version with rollback and diff utils;
- Basic lock mechanism;
- Password and email change option;