Revision history for Perl extension XML::TMX.

0.30   Mon Jan 11 19:07:37 WET 2016
       - Added tsv2tmx script.

0.29   Sat Oct 10 20:04:11 WEST 2015
       - Consistent version numbers

0.28   Thu Sep 17 14:24:20 WEST 2015
       - Fixed TMX spec URL (thanks to Alexander Becker)

0.27   Mon Aug 31 18:14:12 WEST 2015
       - Fixed tmx-POStagger.

0.26   Tue Apr 28 19:08:28 WEST 2015
       - Fixed bug when processing CDATA elements.
       - Added -raw option to for_tu
       - Reworked TMX annotated format.
       - Various improvements in tmx-POStagger.

0.25   Tue Jul 30 16:06:58 WEST 2013
       - tmx2tmx -cat : fix a bug related with a missing ":utf8"
       - tmxclean -len: remove tu if len > 50 and len-min * 2 < len-max
       - tmxclean -eq:  remove tu if equal ( seg(l1)=seg(l2) )
       - output formatting of the TMX slightly changed (tu = lines/5) 

0.24   Thu Nov 29 11:51:03 WET 2012
       - Require Perl v5.10

0.23   Nov 24, 2012
        - sort languages when writing (good for tests)

0.22   Jun 6, 2012
        - more UTF-8 pod stuff

0.21   Jun 5, 2012
        - properly encode UTF-8

        - tmx2tmx -cat preserves props and notes from all documents
        - add POD to some scripts
        - added tmx-tokenize
        - Moved some scripts to example folder

        - save info about CDATA sections
        - add -raw option on for_tu2
        - for_tu2 renamed as for_tu
        - reads header correctly (props and notes)

        - write correctly CDATA sections
        - better output
        - handle header props and notes
        - more testing

0.20   Jan 31, 2012
        - add 'verbose' option to for_tu family of methods

0.19   Jan 27, 2012
        - fix 'ignore_markup' in (thanks to Achim Ruopp)

0.18   Feb 09, 2011
        - tmxwc working for multiple files;
        - Fixed tmxuniq to work without complaining on unicode;

0.17   Dec 22, 2008
	- Added tmxwc and tmxclean scripts.

0.16   Fev  5, 2007
	- refactored for_tu2 function (it used $&, $` and $').

0.15   Dec  9, 2006
        - new for_tu2 function that will soon replace for_tu
          more efficient for big files
        - languages function just checks the first few 100 TUs

0.14   Jun  7, 2006
        - in XML::TMX::Writer, if we know the encoding, use binmode
	  to force it.

0.13   Jul 20, 2005
	- for_tu now handles direct output for another TMX file.
	- removed some newlined in the output.

0.12   Jul 17, 2005
	- added some tests to XML::TMX::Writer;
	- changed test names to be tested in order;

0.11   Jul 12, 2005
	- corrected stupid bug lying around since 0.05

0.10   Sep 30, 2004 
0.09    - problem with upload to CPAN;
0.09    - problem with upload to CPAN;
	- added pod and pod-coverage tests;
        - added documentation;

0.07   May 18, 2004
        - option to remove sub-tags is now global and not specific for
          the for_tu command;

0.06   Apr 22, 2004
        - corrected bug on test files
	- tmx2tmx is installed
	- tmx2tmx conversion to TRADOS TMX1.1 format
	- tmx2tmx basic TMX cleaner

0.05   Jan 07, 2004
	- removed dependency with XML::Writer;
	- option to remove sub-tags when processing <tu>s;

0.04   Nov 11, 2003
	- use xml:lang instead of lang if the first exists

0.03   Oct 12, 2003
	- Many bugs were found. Here is a working version (we hope)

0.02   Oct 09, 2003
	- Corrected warnings with perl 5.8.1

0.01   Sep 14, 2003
	- Created XML::TMX::{Reader|Query}