v1.4.0        2017-02-27

    [Changed Functionality]

    - "_::alias" is now only provided if Data::Alias is already installed.
    Technically, this is not a backwards-compatible change but it will not
    break existing installations.

v1.3.0        2015-05-25

    [New Functionality]

    - Scalars: chomp, index,

    - Lists: min_by, max_by uniq_by, classify

    - Miscellaneous Functions: caller, callstack, process_start, process_run

    [Other Changes]

    - You can now use Util::Underscore more freely since it uses the same license as Perl

v1.2.1        2014-07-30


    - Tests now pass on all supported platforms

    - "_::ref_type qr//" properly returns "REGEXP" even on Perl 5.10

v1.2.0        2014-07-28

    [New Functionality]

    - Scalars: added is_string, is_bool, alias from Data::Alias, const from Const::Fast.

    - Numbers: added floor, ceil.

    - Miscellaneous Functions: added File() and Dir() as Path::Class bindings

    [Changed Functionality]

    - The is_* validation functions handle undef input without warnings now.

    - References: ref-refs are now handled correctly: "_::is_scalar_ref \\1" is true, and "_::ref_type \\1" is "REF".

    [Other Changes]

    - Tightened dependencies to decrease chance of test failures.

    - Added a "_.pm" file to reduce clashes. I apologize for polluting your file system with such a weird file.

    - Removed documentation for _::package which never existed.

    - Rewrote parts of the docs in a more formal fashion.

    - Split the docs by topic into separate files.

v1.1.1      2014-03-19

    - Removed build files from the manifest.

v1.1.0      2014-03-18

    [New Functionality]

    - Scalars: added is_plain, is_identifier, is_package.

    - Numbers: added is_int, is_uint.

    - Reference Type Validation: added is_ref, is_scalar_ref, is_array_ref,
    is_hash_ref, is_code_ref, is_glob_ref, is_regex.

    - Classes and Objects: added is_object, is_instance, class_can.

    - Exception Handling: added "carpf" family of functions for formatted error

    - Miscellaneous Functions: added "Data::Dump" functions.

    [Changed Functionality]

    - Improved prototypes for many functions: Nearly all single argument
    functions now default to "$_" as their arg. This makes their usage in "map",
    "grep", or "for" more convenient, e.g. "@classes = map _::class, @objects".

    [Other Changes]

    - The documentation is now organized by topic, instead of by source module.
    In the same vein, the tests were improved.

    - Removed dependency on "Safe::Isa", as we can do the same thing ourselves
    with less overhead.

    - Various optimizations were merged from DOLMEN

v1.0.1      2014-03-02

    - Fixed bugs that prevented installation on older perls.

v1.0.0      2014-03-02

    - Initial release.