Revision history for Perl extension CPAN.

=head2 Sep 10, 1996

Releasing Version 0.14-alpha. Nearly everything has been
rewritten. Too numerous changes to remember. This version is shell
oriented not batch oriented. Batches should be possible though.

Dropped the recommendation to install LWP, dropped the dependance on
LWP completely for UNIX systems.

Introduced CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where} as a pointer to the
directory where we store the fetched sources locally.

Introduced CPAN::Config->{makeplarg}, arguments to the '$^X
Makefile.PL' call.

Check for Net::FTP even when LWP is available.

Remove the lockfile in a signal handler.

Motherhoodified the pod section ;-)

=head2 Apr 28, 1996

0.04-alpha version announced only to the porters

0.01  Mon Feb 19 15:06:30 1996
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.16