Revision history for Net-Telnet-Trango
0.04 2009.07.13
* Fix a mistake I made in the match for sudb_view. I should probably
get a test environment set up. Hopefully that is the last problem
Steven has to work around for a while.
0.03 2009.07.09
* Match the su2su field in sudb_view, it is in hex, so \d didn't match
sometimes. Thanks again to "Steven N. Severinghaus"
* More tests that are probably non-functional because I didn't set up
a test environment.
0.02 2009.07.08
* Perltidy and some Perl Critic
* Changed the prompt to include $> not just #>
* Changed the banner match to support more types of hardware
* Lots of tests
* Added stuff to the TODO
* Support for the TrangoLink 45
* Additional features in the su.cgi
* Add commands arq and linktest
* Fix a problem in sudb_add where $new_mac wasn't completely
stripped of special characters.
From: "Steven N. Severinghaus" <>
0.01 2007.02.05
* First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
$RedRiver: Changes,v 1.6 2009/07/13 16:33:45 andrew Exp $