#================================================= -*- indented-text -*-
# Changes 
#   Revision history for the LaTeX::Driver module
#   Andrew Ford   <A.Ford@ford-mason.co.uk>
# $Id: Changes 84 2012-08-30 20:19:25Z andrew $

# Version 0.11 - 2012-08-30

* rewrote loop in run_latex() and need_to_run_bibtex() to use a lexical variable to avoid
  subtle errors with Template::Plugin::Latex (RT50684)

# Version 0.10 - 2011-09-18

* use system tmp directory rather than hardcoded /tmp

* Makefile.PL exits if latex binary is not found (rather than dieing

# Version 0.09 - 2011-08-18

* Tidied up for perlcritic

# Version 0.08 - 2009-01-19

* Added two elements to the stats hash - 'pages' and 'bytes'

* Added check for rerun required by use of the longtable package
  (patch submitted by Yitzchack Scott-Thoennes - cpan id: YSTM), also
  added test script

* also check for generic /rerun to get .* right/ warning

* expand documentation for Pod::Coverage

# Version 0.07 - 2007-10-12

* Updated documentation - specifically the diagnostics section for
  LaTeX::Driver and just expanded LaTeX::Driver::FilterProgram

* fixed Makefile.PL, which was using LaTeX::Driver to get the module
  version, but this broke horribly if the prerequisite modules were
  not installed.

* added missing test and test data files to MANIFEST

# Version 0.06 - 2007-09-27

* rationalized the constructor arguments - now the source and output
  are controlled just by three arguments: "source" and optionally
  "output" and "format".

* the "source" and "output" parameters can be scalar references, in
  which case the LaTeX source and formatted output is taken from or
  output to the variables referenced respectively.  This facilitates
  the creation of Unix filter type scripts.

* added the Unix-style filter programs latex2dvi, latex2pdf and
  latex2ps (these use the common module LaTeX::Driver::FilterProgram)

# Version 0.05 - 2007-09-25

* default output type is now 'pdf' (that is probably what most people
  are going to want to generate)

* added texinputs option

* added the following methods:  latex_path, pdflatex_path, bibtex_path,
  makeindex_path, dvips_path, dvipdfm_path, ps2pdf_path and program_path

* the program path defaults are now stored in a package-level hash

# Version 0.04 - 2007-09-24

* Expanded documentation a bit more

* added option parsing to test library so that test scripts can be run
  with -d to switch on debug messages

* added basic Exception::Class based exceptions (still need to
  differentiate between exception types.

# Version 0.03 - 2007-09-24

* Expanded documentation

* Reorganized testdata so that the directories/files match the names
  of the test scripts that use them

* Added tests for constructor errors, running the module on broken
  LaTeX files, specifying options to makeindex, and quality metrics

# Version 0.02 - 2007-09-21

First public release.

# Version 0.01 - 2007-09-20

Initial version.  Code extracted from the Template-Latex distribution.
New maintainer: Andrew Ford.