# Changes 
#   Revision history for Pod::POM::View::DocBook module.
#   Andrew Ford   <A.Ford@ford-mason.co.uk>
# $Id: Changes 4102 2009-02-25 22:29:53Z andrew $

# Version 0.03  25-Feb-2009

* reworked the title-casing of section titles (triggered by the the
  "titlecasing" option)

* reorganized testcases such that each test case consists of a pod file
  (input), xml file (expected output) and a yml file (options -
  optional).  t/TestUtils.pm was rewritten to read the trios of files
  that define tests.

# Version 0.02  25-Feb-2009

* fix syntax error in generated DocBook CDATA section
  (was "<[CDATA[...", should be "<![CDATA[...")

# Version 0.01  24-Feb-2009

* first public release.