Revision history for Devel-TraceLoad

0.04    2001-04-18
        - added tests

0.05    2001-04-20
    - minor documentation enhancements
    - test corrections

0.06    2001-06-18
    - minor documentation enhancements
    - test corrections

0.08    2001-12-12
    - nearly complete rewritting of the overriding require()
    - test corrections thanks to Mooney Christophe <>
      I hope tests work correctly on non Win32 plateform.

0.9.0   2007-08-04
    - complete rewrite

0.9.1   2007-11-07
    - 20.traceload.t added to manifest. Oops.
1.0.0   2007-11-07
    - Because 0.08 > 0.9.1:
       in file: Devel-TraceLoad-0.9.1/lib/Devel/
        status: Not indexed because lib/Devel/ in
                P/PV/PVERD/ has a higher version
                number (0.08)
      Not completely intuitive that.

1.0.1   2007-11-08
    - Switch to Module::Install
    - Remove vstring support