Revision history for HTML-Tiny
0.1 2007-05-30
Initial release.
0.2 2007-05-30
More examples.
More documentation.
json_encode now uses Scalar::Util::looks_like_number to test for
numberness rather than the crappy re-based match.
0.3 2007-05-31
Added empty array ref => empty attribute functionality.
0.4 2007-05-31
Renamed to HTML::Tiny to avoid name clash with TOMC's module
0.5 2007-05-31
Made empty tags generate at least one tag pair.
0.6 2007-06-01
Added validate_tag subclassing hook.
Made it possible to specify the open/closed behaviour of tags.
Added auto-newline functionality, prefix/suffix specification.
0.7 2007-06-03
Removed non-core dependencies. Oops.
0.8 2007-06-03
Speeded up _str.
0.9 2007-06-08
Made everything work with Perl 5.0.4.
0.10 2007-06-09
Reinstated Test::More based tests.
0.11 2007-07-17
Simplicate and add lightness. Removed a load of cruft that nobody will
ever use. The various set_ accessors are gone.
Really must work out what to do with version numbers.
0.902 2007-09-25
Added recursion blocker to json_encode. Thanks to Yuval Kogman
for the suggestion.
0.903 2007-09-26
Added new deferred method call syntax.