Revision history for Async-Simple-Pool

0.01    21/03/17 First version. Looks ok. Interface fixes.
0.02    21/03/17 Dependences at makefile has been fixed.
0.03    22/03/17 Dependences fix. Pod fix.
0.04    23/03/17 Test,pod,dependences fix.
0.05    26/03/17 Win32 Support disabled. May be temporary.
0.06    09/04/17 Improve tests stability.
0.07    Dependence on Module::Metadata has been removed. Some test fixes.
0.08    Task test slowdown. Perl version lower than 5.14.0 disabled from now.
0.09    Support for winX added (with Async::Simple::Task::ForkTmpFile). More tests added.
0.10    Critical bugfix. Sorry for that.
0.11    Tests fix for Win*. MANIFEST fix.
0.12    Tests fix for Win* and Tests timeoust was corrected.
0.13    Testfixes. Try to support Windows.
0.14    Support for Windows added. ForkTmpFile fixes.
0.15    Windows tmp files fix. Logger added.