Revision history for Async-Simple-Pool

0.01    21/03/17 First version. Looks ok. Interface fixes.
0.02    21/03/17 Dependences at makefile has been fixed.
0.03    22/03/17 Dependences fix. Pod fix.
0.04    23/03/17 Test,pod,dependences fix.
0.05    26/03/17 Win32 Support disabled. May be temporary.
0.06    09/04/17 Improve tests stability.
0.07    Dependence on Module::Metadata has been removed. Some test fixes.
0.08    Task test slowdown. Perl version lower than 5.14.0 disabled from now.
0.09    Support for winX added (with Async::Simple::Task::ForkTmpFile). More tests added.
0.10    Critical bugfix. Sorry for that.
0.11    Tests fix for Win*. MANIFEST fix.
0.12    Tests fix for Win* and Tests timeoust was corrected.
0.13    Testfixes. Try to support Windows.
0.14    Support for Windows added. ForkTmpFile fixes.
0.15    Windows tmp files fix. Logger added.
0.16    Windows tmp directory finding fix. Test fixes. Test for Pool were splitted to useful cathegories.
0.17    Rereading of used data fixed.