package DBIx::Struct::JSON::Array;
use strict;
use warnings;

	bless [$_[1], $_[2], $_[3]], $_[0];

	scalar @{$_[0][0]};

	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;
	$#{$_[0][0]} = $_[1] - 1;

sub STORE {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;
	$_[0][0][$_[1]] = $_[2];
sub FETCH {$_[0][0][$_[1]]}

sub CLEAR {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;
	@{$_[0][0]} = ();

sub POP {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;

sub PUSH {
	my $o = shift;
	$o->[1]{$o->[2]} = undef;
	push(@{$o->[0]}, @_);

sub SHIFT {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;

	my $o = shift;
	$o->[1]{$o->[2]} = undef;
	unshift(@$o, @_);
sub EXISTS {exists $_[0][0]->[$_[1]]}
sub DELETE {delete $_[0][0]->[$_[1]]}

sub SPLICE {
	my $ob  = shift;
	my $sz  = $ob->FETCHSIZE;
	my $off = @_ ? shift : 0;
	$off += $sz if $off < 0;
	my $len = @_ ? shift : $sz - $off;
	$ob->[1]{$ob->[2]} = undef;
	return splice(@{$ob->[0]}, $off, $len, @_);

package DBIx::Struct::JSON::Hash;
use strict;
use warnings;

	bless [$_[1], $_[2], $_[3]], $_[0];

sub STORE {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;
	$_[0][0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2];

sub FETCH {

	my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0][0]};
	each %{$_[0][0]};

	each %{$_[0][0]};

sub EXISTS {
	exists $_[0][0]->{$_[1]};

sub DELETE {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;
	delete $_[0][0]->{$_[1]};

sub CLEAR {
	$_[0][1]{$_[0][2]} = undef;
	%{$_[0][0]} = ();

sub SCALAR {
	scalar %{$_[0][0]};

package DBIx::Struct::JSON;

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;

sub factory {
	my ($class, $value_ref, $update_hash, $hash_key) = @_;
	my $self;
	if (not ref $$value_ref) {
		return if not $$value_ref;
		my $jv = from_json $$value_ref;
		$$value_ref = $jv if $jv;
	if ('HASH' eq ref $$value_ref) {
		my %h;
		tie %h, 'DBIx::Struct::JSON::Hash', $$value_ref, $update_hash, $hash_key;
		$self = [\%h, $$value_ref];
	} elsif ('ARRAY' eq ref $$value_ref) {
		my @a;
		tie @a, 'DBIx::Struct::JSON::Array', $$value_ref, $update_hash, $hash_key;
		$self = [\@a, $$value_ref];
	$$value_ref = bless $self, $class;

sub revert {
	$_[0] = to_json $_[0][1];

sub accessor {

package DBIx::Struct::Connector;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'DBIx::Connector';

our $db_reconnect_timeout = 30;

sub _connect {
	my ($self, @args) = @_;
	for my $try (1 .. $db_reconnect_timeout) {
		my $dbh = eval {$self->SUPER::_connect(@args)};
		return $dbh if $dbh;
		sleep 1 if $try != $db_reconnect_timeout;
	die $@ if $@;
	die "DB connect error";

package DBIx::Struct::Error::String;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

sub error_message (+%) {
	my $msg = $_[0];
	delete $msg->{result};
	my $message = delete $msg->{message};
	croak join "; ", $message, map {"$_: $msg->{$_}"} keys %$msg;

package DBIx::Struct::Error::Hash;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub error_message (+%) {
	die $_[0];

package DBIx::Struct;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SQL::Abstract;
use Digest::MD5;
use Data::Dumper;
use base 'Exporter';
use v5.14;

our $VERSION = '0.13';

our @EXPORT = qw{

our @EXPORT_OK = qw{

our $conn;
our $update_on_destroy     = 1;
our $connector_module      = 'DBIx::Struct::Connector';
our $connector_constructor = 'new';
our $connector_pool;
our $connector_pool_method = 'get_connector';
our $connector_args        = [];
our $connector_driver;
our $table_classes_namespace = 'DBC';
our $query_classes_namespace = 'DBQ';
our $error_message_class     = 'DBIx::Struct::Error::String';
our %driver_pk_insert;

sub error_message (+%) {
	goto &DBIx::Struct::Error::String::error_message;

%driver_pk_insert = (
	_returning => sub {
		my ($table, $pk_row_data, $pk_returninig) = @_;
		my $ret;
		if ($pk_row_data) {
			$ret = <<INS;
						($pk_row_data) =
							\$_->selectrow_array(\$insert . " $pk_returninig", undef, \@bind)
		} else {
			$ret = <<INS;
						\$_->do(\$insert, undef, \@bind)
		$ret .= <<INS
						or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' inserting into table $table'
	_last_id_undef => sub {
		my ($table, $insert_exp, $pk_row_data) = @_;
		my $ret;
		$ret = <<INS;
						\$_->do(\$insert, undef, \@bind)
						or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' inserting into table $table'
		if ($pk_row_data) {
			$ret .= <<INS;
						$pk_row_data = $_->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef);
	_last_id_empty => sub {
		my ($table, $insert_exp, $pk_row_data) = @_;
		my $ret;
		$ret = <<INS;
						\$_->do(\$insert, undef, \@bind)
						or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' inserting into table $table'
		if ($pk_row_data) {
			$ret .= <<INS;
						$pk_row_data = $_->last_insert_id("", "", "", "");

$driver_pk_insert{Pg}     = $driver_pk_insert{_returning};
$driver_pk_insert{mysql}  = $driver_pk_insert{_last_id_undef};
$driver_pk_insert{SQLite} = $driver_pk_insert{_last_id_empty};

sub hash_ref_slice($@) {
	my ($hashref, @slice) = @_;
	error_message {
		message => "first parameter is not hash reference",
		result  => 'INTERR',
		if 'HASH' ne ref $hashref;
	map {$_ => $hashref->{$_}} @slice;

my @already_exported_to;

sub connector {

sub connector_from_pool {

sub set_connector_pool {
	$connector_pool = $_[0];
	if (\&connector != \&connector_from_pool) {
		no warnings 'redefine';
		no strict 'refs';
		*connector = \&connector_from_pool;
		for my $aep (@already_exported_to) {
			*{"$aep\::connector"} = \&connector;

sub set_connector_pool_method {
	$connector_pool_method = $_[0];

sub set_connector_object {
	*conn = \$_[0];

sub check_package_scalar {
	my ($package, $scalar) = @_;
	no strict 'refs';
	my $pr = \%{$package . '::'};
	my $er = $$pr{$scalar};
	return unless $er;
	defined *{$er}{'SCALAR'};

sub import {
	my ($class, @args) = @_;
	my $defconn = 0;
	my $_emc    = 0;
	my $_cp     = 0;
	my $_c      = 0;
	for (my $i = 0; $i < @args; ++$i) {
		if ($args[$i] eq 'connector_module') {
			(undef, $connector_module) = splice @args, $i, 2;
			if (not $defconn and check_package_scalar($connector_module, 'conn')) {
				no strict 'refs';
				set_connector_object(${$connector_module . '::conn'});
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connector_constructor') {
			(undef, $connector_constructor) = splice @args, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'table_classes_namespace') {
			(undef, $table_classes_namespace) = splice @args, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'query_classes_namespace') {
			(undef, $query_classes_namespace) = splice @args, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connect_timeout') {
			(undef, $db_reconnect_timeout) = splice @args, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'error_class') {
			my (undef, $emc) = splice @args, $i, 2;
			$error_message_class = $emc;
			$_emc                = 1;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connector_pool') {
			(undef, $connector_pool) = splice @args, $i, 2;
			$_cp = 1;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connector_pool_method') {
			(undef, $connector_pool_method) = splice @args, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connector_args') {
			(undef, $connector_args) = splice @args, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connector') {
			$_c = 1;
		} elsif ($args[$i] eq 'connector_object') {
			$defconn = 1;
			set_connector_object($args[$i + 1]);
			splice @args, $i, 2;
	if ($_emc) {
		no warnings 'redefine';
		no strict 'refs';
		*error_message = \&{$error_message_class . "::error_message"};
	if ($_cp) {
		no warnings 'redefine';
		no strict 'refs';
		*connector = \&connector_from_pool;
		for my $aep (@already_exported_to) {
			*{"$aep\::connector"} = \&connector;
	my $callpkg = caller;
	push @already_exported_to, $callpkg if $_c;
	my %imps = map {$_ => undef} @args, @EXPORT;
	$class->export_to_level(1, $class, keys %imps);

sub _not_yet_connected {
	if (!$connector_pool && !$conn) {
		my ($dsn, $user, $password) = @_;
		if ($dsn && $dsn !~ /^dbi:/i) {
			$dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dsn";
		my $connect_attrs = {
			AutoCommit          => 1,
			PrintError          => 0,
			AutoInactiveDestroy => 1,
			RaiseError          => 0,
		if ($dsn) {
			my ($driver) = $dsn =~ /^dbi:(\w*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?:/i;
			if ($driver) {
				if ($driver eq 'Pg') {
					$connect_attrs->{pg_enable_utf8} = 1;
				} elsif ($driver eq 'mysql') {
					$connect_attrs->{mysql_enable_utf8} = 1;
		if (!@$connector_args) {
			@$connector_args = ($dsn, $user, $password, $connect_attrs);
		$conn = $connector_module->$connector_constructor(@$connector_args)
			or error_message {
			message => "DB connect error",
			result  => 'SQLERR',
	'' =~ /()/;
	$connector_driver = connector->driver->{driver};
	no warnings 'redefine';
	*connect = \&connector;

sub connect {
	goto &_not_yet_connected;

	my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;

	sub make_name {
		my ($table) = @_;
		my $simple_table = (index($table, " ") == -1);
		my $ncn;
		if ($simple_table) {
			$ncn = $table_classes_namespace . "::" . join('', map {ucfirst($_)} split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, $table));
		} else {
			$ncn = $query_classes_namespace . "::" . "G" . $md5->hexdigest;

sub populate {
	my @tables;
		sub {
			my $sth = $_->table_info('', '', '%', "TABLE");
			return if not $sth;
			my $tables = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
			@tables = map {$_->[2]} grep {$_->[3] eq 'TABLE' and $_->[2] !~ /^sql_/} @$tables;
	setup_row($_) for @tables;

sub _row_data ()    {0}
sub _row_updates () {1}

sub make_object_new {
	my ($table, $required, $pk_row_data, $pk_returninig) = @_;
	my $new = <<NEW;
		sub new {
			my \$class = \$_[0];
			my \$self = [ [] ];
			bless \$self, \$class;
			if(CORE::defined(\$_[1]) && CORE::ref(\$_[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
				\$self->[@{[_row_data]}] = \$_[1];
	if (not ref $table) {
		$new .= <<NEW;
			 else {
				my \%insert;
				for(my \$i = 1; \$i < \@_; \$i += 2) {
					if (CORE::exists \$fields{\$_[\$i]}) {
						my \$f = \$_[\$i];
						\$self->[@{[_row_data]}]->[\$fields{\$_[\$i]}] = \$_[\$i + 1];
						\$insert{\$f} = \$_[\$i + 1];
					} else {
						DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => "unknown column \$_[\$i] inserting into table $table"
				my (\@insert, \@values, \@bind);
				\@insert =
					CORE::map { 
						if(CORE::ref(\$insert{\$_}) eq 'ARRAY' and CORE::ref(\$insert{\$_}[0]) eq 'SCALAR') {
							CORE::push \@bind, \@{\$insert{\$_}}[1..\$#{\$insert{\$_}}];
							CORE::push \@values, \${\$insert{\$_}[0]};
						} elsif(CORE::ref(\$insert{\$_}) eq 'REF' and CORE::ref(\${\$insert{\$_}}) eq 'ARRAY') {
							if(CORE::defined \${\$insert{\$_}}->[0]) {
								CORE::push \@bind, \@{\${\$insert{\$_}}}[1..\$#{\${\$insert{\$_}}}];
								CORE::push \@values, \${\$insert{\$_}}->[0];
							} else {
								CORE::push \@values, "null";
						} elsif(CORE::ref(\$insert{\$_}) eq 'SCALAR') {
							CORE::push \@values, \${\$insert{\$_}};
						} elsif(CORE::exists (\$json_fields{\$_})
							&& (CORE::ref(\$insert{\$_}) eq 'ARRAY' || CORE::ref(\$insert{\$_}) eq 'HASH')) {
							CORE::push \@bind, JSON::to_json(\$insert{\$_});
							CORE::push \@values, "?";
						} else {
							CORE::push \@bind, \$insert{\$_};
							CORE::push \@values, "?";
					} CORE::keys \%insert;
				my \$insert;
					\$insert = "insert into $table (" . CORE::join( ", ", \@insert) . ") values ("
					.  CORE::join( ", ", \@values) . ")";
				} else {
					\$insert = "insert into $table values (default)";
		if ($required) {
			$new .= <<NEW;
				for my \$r ($required) {
					DBIx::Struct::error_message {
						result  => 'SQLERR',
						message => "required field \$r is absent for table $table"
					} if not CORE::exists \$insert{\$r};
		$new .= <<NEW;
					sub {
		$new .= $driver_pk_insert{$connector_driver}->($table, $pk_row_data, $pk_returninig);
		$new .= <<NEW;
	$new .= <<NEW;

sub make_object_filter_timestamp {
	my ($timestamps) = @_;
	my $filter_timestamp = <<FTS;
		sub filter_timestamp {
			my \$self = \$_[0];
			if(\@_ == 1) {
				for my \$f ($timestamps) {
					if(\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$f}]) {
						\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$f}] =~ s/\\.\\d+(\$|\\+|\\-)/$1/;
						\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$f}] =~ s/(\\+|\\-)(\\d{2})\$/\$1\${2}00/;
			} else {
				for my \$f (\@_[1..\$#_]) {
					if(\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$f}]) {
						\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$f}] =~ s/\\.\\d+(\$|\\+|\\-)/$1/;
						\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$f}] =~ s/(\\+|\\-)(\\d{2})\$/\$1\${2}00/;
			'' =~ /()/;

sub make_object_set {
	my $set = <<SET;
		sub set {
			my \$self = \$_[0];
			if(CORE::defined(\$_[1])) {
				if(CORE::ref(\$_[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
					\$self->[@{[_row_data]}] = \$_[1];
					\$self->[@{[_row_updates]}] = {};
				} elsif(CORE::ref(\$_[1]) eq 'HASH') {
					for my \$f (CORE::keys \%{\$_[1]}) {
						if (CORE::exists \$fields{\$f}) {
				} elsif(not CORE::ref(\$_[1])) {
					for(my \$i = 1; \$i < \@_; \$i += 2) {
						if (CORE::exists \$fields{\$_[\$i]}) {
							my \$f = \$fields{\$_[\$i]};
							\$self->\$f(\$_[\$i + 1]);

sub make_object_data {
	my $data = <<DATA;
		sub data {
			my \$self = \$_[0];
			my \@ret_keys;
			my \$ret;
			if(CORE::defined(\$_[1])) {
				if(CORE::ref(\$_[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
					if(!\@{\$_[1]}) {
						\$ret = \$self->[@{[_row_data]}];
					} else {
						\$ret = [CORE::map {\$self->[@{[_row_data]}]->[\$fields{\$_}] } CORE::grep {CORE::exists \$fields{\$_}} \@{\$_[1]}];
				} else {
					for my \$k (\@_[1..\$#_]) {
						CORE::push \@ret_keys, \$k if CORE::exists \$fields{\$k};
			} else {
				\@ret_keys = keys \%fields;
			\$ret = { 
				CORE::map { 
					? (\$_ => \$self->\$_->accessor)
					: (\$_ => \$self->\$_) 
				} \@ret_keys
			} if not CORE::defined \$ret;

sub make_object_update {
	my ($table, $pk_where, $pk_row_data) = @_;
	my $update;
	if (not ref $table) {

		# means this is just one simple table
		$update = <<UPD;
		sub update {
			my \$self = \$_[0];
			if(\@_ > 1 && CORE::ref(\$_[1]) eq 'HASH') {
				my (\$set, \$where, \@bind, \@bind_where);
					no strict 'vars';
					local *set_hash = \$_[1];
					my \@unknown_columns = CORE::grep {not CORE::exists \$fields{\$_}} CORE::keys %set_hash;
					DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'unknown columns '.CORE::join(", ", \@unknown_columns).' updating table $table'
					} if \@unknown_columns;
					\$set = 
						CORE::join ", ", 
						CORE::map { 
							if(CORE::ref(\$set_hash{\$_}) eq 'ARRAY' and CORE::ref(\$set_hash{\$_}[0]) eq 'SCALAR') {
								CORE::push \@bind, \@{\$set_hash{\$_}}[1..\$#{\$set_hash{\$_}}];
								"\$_ = " . \${\$set_hash{\$_}[0]};
							} elsif(CORE::ref(\$set_hash{\$_}) eq 'REF' and CORE::ref(\${\$set_hash{\$_}}) eq 'ARRAY') {
								if(CORE::defined \${\$set_hash{\$_}}->[0]) {
									CORE::push \@bind, \@{\${\$set_hash{\$_}}}[1..\$#{\${\$set_hash{\$_}}}];
									"\$_ = " . \${\$set_hash{\$_}}->[0];
								} else {
									"\$_ = null"
							} elsif(CORE::ref(\$set_hash{\$_}) eq 'SCALAR') {
								"\$_ = " . \${\$set_hash{\$_}};
							} elsif(CORE::exists(\$json_fields{\$_})
								&& (CORE::ref(\$set_hash{\$_}) eq 'ARRAY' || CORE::ref(\$set_hash{\$_}) eq 'HASH')) {
								CORE::push \@bind, JSON::to_json(\$set_hash{\$_});
								"\$_ = ?" 
							} else {
								CORE::push \@bind, \$set_hash{\$_};
								"\$_ = ?" 
						} CORE::keys \%set_hash;
				if(\@_ > 2) {
					my \$cond = \$_[2];
					if(not CORE::ref(\$cond)) {
						\$cond = {(selectKeys)[0] => \$_[2]};
					(\$where, \@bind_where) = SQL::Abstract->new->where(\$cond);
				return DBIx::Struct::connect->run(sub {
					\$_->do(qq{update $table set \$set \$where}, undef, \@bind, \@bind_where)
					or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
						result  => 'SQLERR',
						message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' updating table $table'
			} elsif (CORE::ref(\$self) && \@\$self > 1 && \%{\$self->[@{[_row_updates]}]}) {
				my (\$set, \@bind);
					no strict 'vars';
					\$set = 
						CORE::join ", ", 
						CORE::map { 
							local *column_value = \\\$self->[@{[_row_data]}][\$fields{\$_}];
							if(CORE::ref(\$column_value) eq 'ARRAY' and CORE::ref(\$column_value->[0]) eq 'SCALAR') {
								CORE::push \@bind, \@{\$column_value}[1..\$#\$column_value];
								"\$_ = " . \${\$column_value->[0]};
							} elsif(CORE::ref(\$column_value) eq 'REF' and CORE::ref(\${\$column_value}) eq 'ARRAY') {
								if(CORE::defined \${\$column_value}->[0]) {
									CORE::push \@bind, \@{\${\$column_value}}[1..\$#{\${\$column_value}}];
									"\$_ = " . \${\$column_value}->[0];
								} else {
									"\$_ = null"
							} elsif(CORE::ref(\$column_value) && CORE::ref(\$column_value) =~ /^DBIx::Struct::JSON/) {
								CORE::push \@bind, \$column_value;
								"\$_ = ?" 
							} elsif(CORE::ref(\$column_value) eq 'SCALAR') {
								"\$_ = " . \$\$column_value;
							} else {
								CORE::push \@bind, \$column_value;
								"\$_ = ?" 
						} CORE::keys \%{\$self->[@{[_row_updates]}]};
				my \$update_query = qq{update $table set \$set where $pk_where};
					sub {
						\$_->do(\$update_query, undef, \@bind, $pk_row_data)
						or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' updating table $table',
							query   => \$update_query,
							bind    => \\\@bind,
				pop \@{\$self};
	} else {
		$update = <<UPD;
		sub update {}

sub make_object_delete {
	my ($table, $pk_where, $pk_row_data) = @_;
	my $delete;
	if (not ref $table) {
		$delete = <<DEL;
		sub delete {
			my \$self = \$_[0];
			if(\@_ > 1) {
				my (\$where, \@bind);
				my \$cond = \$_[1];
				if(not CORE::ref(\$cond)) {
					\$cond = {(selectKeys)[0] => \$_[1]};
				(\$where, \@bind) = SQL::Abstract->new->where(\$cond);
				return DBIx::Struct::connect->run(sub {
					\$_->do(qq{delete from $table \$where}, undef, \@bind)
					or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
						result  => 'SQLERR',
						message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' updating table $table'
			} else {
					sub {
						\$_->do(qq{delete from $table where $pk_where}, undef, $pk_row_data)
						or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' updating table $table'
	} else {
		$delete = <<DEL
		sub delete {}

sub make_object_fetch {
	my ($table, $pk_where, $pk_row_data) = @_;
	my $fetch;
	if (not ref $table) {
		$fetch = <<FETCH;
		sub fetch {
			my \$self = \$_[0];
			if(\@_ > 1) {
				my (\$where, \@bind);
				my \$cond = \$_[1];
				if(not CORE::ref(\$cond)) {
					\$cond = {(selectKeys)[0] => \$_[1]};
				(\$where, \@bind) = SQL::Abstract->new->where(\$cond);
				DBIx::Struct::connect->run(sub {
					my \$rowref = \$_->selectrow_arrayref(qq{select * from $table \$where}, undef, \@bind)
					or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
						result  => 'SQLERR',
						message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' fetching table $table'
					\$self->[@{[_row_data]}] = [\@\$rowref]; 
			} else {
					sub {
						my \$rowref = \$_->selectrow_arrayref(qq{select *  from $table where $pk_where}, undef, $pk_row_data)
						or DBIx::Struct::error_message {
							result  => 'SQLERR',
							message => 'error '.\$_->errstr.' fetching table $table'
						\$self->[@{[_row_data]}] = [\@\$rowref];
	} else {
		$fetch = <<FETCH;
		sub fetch { \$_[0] }

sub _exists_row ($) {
	my $ncn = $_[0];
	no strict "refs";
	if (grep {!/::$/} keys %{"${ncn}::"}) {
		return 1;

sub _parse_interface ($) {
	my $interface = $_[0];
	my %ret;
	$interface = [$interface] if not ref $interface;
	if ('ARRAY' eq ref $interface) {
		for my $i (@$interface) {
			my $dbc_name = make_name($i);
			error_message {
				result  => 'SQLERR',
				message => "Unknown base interface table $i",
				unless _exists_row $dbc_name;
			no strict 'refs';
			my $href = \%{"${dbc_name}::fkfuncs"};
			if ($href && %$href) {
				my @i = keys %$href;
				@ret{@i} = @{$href}{@i};
	} elsif ('HASH' eq ref $interface) {
		for my $i (keys %$interface) {
			my $dbc_name = make_name($i);
			error_message {
				result  => 'SQLERR',
				message => "Unknown base interface table $i",
				unless _exists_row $dbc_name;
			no strict 'refs';
			my $href = \%{"${dbc_name}::fkfuncs"};
			next if not $href or not %$href;
			my $fl = $interface->{$i};
			$fl = [$fl] if not ref $fl;
			if ('ARRAY' eq ref $fl) {

				for my $m (@$fl) {
					$ret{$m} = $href->{$m} if exists $href->{$m};
			} else {
				error_message {
					result  => 'SQLERR',
					message => "Usupported interface structure",
	} else {
		error_message {
			result  => 'SQLERR',
			message => "Unknown interface structure: " . ref($interface),

sub setup_row {
	my ($table, $ncn, $interface) = @_;
	error_message {
		result  => 'SQLERR',
		message => "Unsupported driver $connector_driver",
		unless exists $driver_pk_insert{$connector_driver};
	$ncn ||= make_name($table);
	return $ncn if _exists_row $ncn ;
	my %fields;
	my @fields;
	my @timestamp_fields;
	my @required;
	my @pkeys;
	my @fkeys;
	my @refkeys;
	my %json_fields;
	my $connector = DBIx::Struct::connect;

	if (not ref $table) {
		# means this is just one simple table
			sub {
				my $cih = $_->column_info(undef, undef, $table, undef);
				error_message {
					result  => 'SQLERR',
					message => "Unknown table $table",
					if not $cih;
				my $i = 0;
				while (my $chr = $cih->fetchrow_hashref) {
					$chr->{COLUMN_NAME} =~ s/"//g;
					push @fields, $chr->{COLUMN_NAME};
					if ($chr->{TYPE_NAME} =~ /^time/) {
						push @timestamp_fields, $chr->{COLUMN_NAME};
					if ($chr->{TYPE_NAME} =~ /^json/) {
						$json_fields{$chr->{COLUMN_NAME}} = undef;
					if ($chr->{NULLABLE} == 0 && !defined($chr->{COLUMN_DEF})) {
						push @required, $chr->{COLUMN_NAME};
					$fields{$chr->{COLUMN_NAME}} = $i++;
				@pkeys = $_->primary_key(undef, undef, $table);
				if (!@pkeys && @required) {
					my $ukh = $_->statistics_info(undef, undef, $table, 1, 1);
					my %req = map {$_ => undef} @required;
					my %pkeys;
					while (my $ukr = $ukh->fetchrow_hashref) {
						if (not exists $req{$ukr->{COLUMN_NAME}} or defined $ukr->{FILTER_CONDITION}) {
							$pkeys{$ukr->{INDEX_NAME}}{drop} = 1;
						} else {
							$pkeys{$ukr->{INDEX_NAME}}{fields}{$ukr->{COLUMN_NAME}} = undef;
					my @d = grep {exists $pkeys{$_}{drop}} keys %pkeys;
					delete $pkeys{$_} for @d;
					if (%pkeys) {
						my @spk = sort {scalar(keys %{$pkeys{$a}{fields}}) <=> scalar(keys %{$pkeys{$b}{fields}})}
							keys %pkeys;
						@pkeys = keys %{$pkeys{$spk[0]}{fields}};
				my $sth = $_->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $table);
				if ($sth) {
					@fkeys = grep {$_->{FK_COLUMN_NAME} !~ /[^a-z_0-9]/} @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref({})};
				$sth = $_->foreign_key_info(undef, undef, $table, undef, undef, undef);
				if ($sth) {
					@refkeys = grep {$_->{FK_COLUMN_NAME} !~ /[^a-z_0-9]/} @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref({})};
	} else {

		# means this is a query
		%fields = %{$table->{NAME_hash}};
			sub {
				for (my $cn = 0; $cn < @{$table->{NAME}}; ++$cn) {
					my $ti = $_->type_info($table->{TYPE}->[$cn]);
					push @timestamp_fields, $table->{NAME}->[$cn]
						if $ti && $ti->{TYPE_NAME} =~ /^time/;
					$json_fields{$table->{NAME}->[$cn]} = undef
						if $ti && $ti->{TYPE_NAME} =~ /^json/;
	my $fields      = join ", ", map {qq|"$_" => $fields{$_}|} keys %fields;
	my $json_fields = join ", ", map {qq|"$_" => undef|} keys %json_fields;
	my $required    = '';
	if (@required) {
		$required = join(", ", map {qq|"$_"|} @required);
	my $timestamps = '';
	if (@timestamp_fields) {
		$timestamps = join(", ", map {qq|"$_"|} @timestamp_fields);
	} else {
		$timestamps = "()";
	my %keywords = (
		new              => undef,
		set              => undef,
		data             => undef,
		delete           => undef,
		fetch            => undef,
		update           => undef,
		DESTROY          => undef,
		filter_timestamp => undef,
	my $pk_row_data   = '';
	my $pk_returninig = '';
	my $pk_where      = '';
	my $select_keys   = '';
	my %pk_fields;
	if (@pkeys) {
		@pk_fields{@pkeys} = undef;
		$pk_row_data = join(", ", map {qq|\$self->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{"$_"}]|} @pkeys);
		$pk_returninig = 'returning ' . join(", ", @pkeys);
		$pk_where = join(" and ", map {"$_ = ?"} @pkeys);
		my $sk_list = join(", ", map {qq|"$_"|} @pkeys);
		$select_keys = <<SK;
		sub selectKeys () { 
	} else {
		if (@fields) {
			my $sk_list = join(", ", map {qq|"$_"|} @fields);
			$select_keys = <<SK;
		sub selectKeys () { 
		} else {
			$select_keys = <<SK;
		sub selectKeys () { () } 
	my $foreign_tables = '';
	my %foreign_tables;
	my %fkfuncs;
	for my $fk (@fkeys) {
		$fk->{FK_COLUMN_NAME} =~ s/"//g;
		my $fn = $fk->{FK_COLUMN_NAME};
		$fn =~ s/^id_// or $fn =~ s/_id(?=[^a-z]|$)//;
		$fn =~ tr/_/-/;
		$fn =~ s/\b(\w)/\u$1/g;
		$fn =~ tr/-//d;
		(my $pt = $fk->{PKTABLE_NAME}  || $fk->{UK_TABLE_NAME}) =~ s/"//g;
		(my $pk = $fk->{PKCOLUMN_NAME} || $fk->{UK_COLUMN_NAME}) =~ s/"//g;
		$fkfuncs{$fn} = undef;
		$foreign_tables .= <<FKT;
		sub $fn { 
			if(CORE::defined(\$_[0]->$fk->{FK_COLUMN_NAME})) {
				return DBIx::Struct::one_row("$pt", {$pk => \$_[0]->$fk->{FK_COLUMN_NAME}});
			} else { 
		$foreign_tables{$pt} = [$fk->{FK_COLUMN_NAME} => $pk];
	for my $ft (keys %foreign_tables) {
		my $ucft = ucfirst $ft;
		$fkfuncs{"foreignKey$ucft"} = undef;
		$foreign_tables .= <<FKT;
		sub foreignKey$ucft () {("$foreign_tables{$ft}[0]" => "$foreign_tables{$ft}[1]")}
	my $references_tables = '';
	for my $rk (@refkeys) {
		$rk->{FK_TABLE_NAME} =~ s/"//g;
		my $ft = $rk->{FK_TABLE_NAME};
		(my $fk = $rk->{FK_COLUMN_NAME}) =~ s/"//g;
		(my $pt = $rk->{PKTABLE_NAME} || $rk->{UK_TABLE_NAME}) =~ s/"//g;
		(my $pk = $rk->{PKCOLUMN_NAME} || $rk->{UK_COLUMN_NAME}) =~ s/"//g;
		if ($pk ne $fk) {
			my $fn = $fk;
			$fn =~ s/^id_// or $fn =~ s/_id(?=[^a-z]|$)//;
			$fn =~ s/$ft//;
			$ft .= "_$fn" if $fn;
		$ft =~ tr/_/-/;
		$ft =~ s/\b(\w)/\u$1/g;
		$ft =~ tr/-//d;
		$fkfuncs{"ref${ft}s"} = undef;
		$fkfuncs{"ref${ft}"}  = undef;
		$references_tables .= <<RT;
		sub ref${ft}s {
			my (\$self, \@cond) = \@_;
			my \%cond;
			if(\@cond) {
				if(not CORE::ref \$cond[0]) {
					\%cond = \@cond;
				} else {
					\%cond = \%{\$cond[0]};
			\$cond{$fk} = \$self->$pk;
			return DBIx::Struct::all_rows("$rk->{FK_TABLE_NAME}", \\\%cond);
		sub ref${ft} {
			my (\$self, \@cond) = \@_;
			my \%cond;
			if(\@cond) {
				if(not CORE::ref \$cond[0]) {
					\%cond = \@cond;
				} else {
					\%cond = \%{\$cond[0]};
			\$cond{$fk} = \$self->$pk;
			return DBIx::Struct::one_row("$rk->{FK_TABLE_NAME}", \\\%cond);
	my $accessors = <<ACC;
		sub markUpdated {
			\$_[0]->[@{[_row_updates]}]{\$_[1]} = undef if CORE::exists \$fields{\$_[1]};
	for my $k (keys %fields) {
		next if exists $keywords{$k};
		next if $k =~ /^\d/;
		$k =~ s/[^\w\d]/_/g;
		if (!exists $json_fields{$k}) {
			if (!exists($pk_fields{$k}) && (not ref $table)) {
				$accessors .= <<ACC;
		sub $k {
			if(\@_ > 1) {
				\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}] = \$_[1];
				\$_[0]->[@{[_row_updates]}]{"$k"} = undef;
			} else {
				$accessors .= <<ACC;
		sub $k {
		} else {
			if (!exists($pk_fields{$k}) && (not ref $table)) {
				$accessors .= <<ACC;
		sub $k {
			if(\@_ > 1) {
				if(not CORE::ref \$_[1]) {
					\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}] = \$_[1];
				} else {
					\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}] = JSON::to_json(\$_[1]);
				\$_[0]->[@{[_row_updates]}]{"$k"} = undef;
			if(not CORE::ref \$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}]) {
				\$_[0]->[@{[_row_updates]}] = {} if not \$_[0]->[@{[_row_updates]}];
				\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}] = 
					DBIx::Struct::JSON->factory(\\\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}], \$_[0]->[@{[_row_updates]}], "$k");
			} else {
				$accessors .= <<ACC;
		sub $k {
			if(\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}] and not CORE::ref \$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}]) {
				\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}] = JSON::from_json(\$_[0]->[@{[_row_data]}]->[$fields{$k}]);
	my $package_header = <<PHD;
		package ${ncn};
		use strict;
		use warnings;
		use Carp;
		use SQL::Abstract;
		use JSON;
		our \%fields = ($fields);
		our \%json_fields = ($json_fields);
	if (not ref $table) {
		if (%fkfuncs) {
			my $fkfuncs = join ",", map {qq{"$_" => \\&${ncn}::$_}} keys %fkfuncs;
			$package_header .= <<PHD;
		our \%fkfuncs = ($fkfuncs);
		} else {
			$package_header .= <<PHD;
		our \%fkfuncs = ();
		$package_header .= <<PHD;
		our \$table_name = "$table";
	my $new              = make_object_new($table, $required, $pk_row_data, $pk_returninig);
	my $filter_timestamp = make_object_filter_timestamp($timestamps);
	my $set              = make_object_set();
	my $data             = make_object_data();
	my $update           = make_object_update($table, $pk_where, $pk_row_data);
	my $delete           = make_object_delete($table, $pk_where, $pk_row_data);
	my $fetch            = make_object_fetch($table, $pk_where, $pk_row_data);
	my $destroy;

	if (not ref $table) {
		$destroy = <<DESTROY;
		sub DESTROY {
			no warnings 'once';
			\$_[0]->update if \$DBIx::Struct::update_on_destroy;
	} else {
		$destroy = '';
	my $eval_code = join "", $package_header, $select_keys, $new,
		$filter_timestamp, $set, $data, $fetch,
		$update, $delete, $destroy, $accessors, $foreign_tables,

	# print $eval_code;
	eval $eval_code;
	error_message {
		result  => 'SQLERR',
		message => "Unknown error: $@",
	} if $@;
	if ($interface) {
		my $ifuncs = _parse_interface $interface;
		no strict 'refs';
		for my $f (keys %$ifuncs) {
			*{"${ncn}::$f"} = $ifuncs->{$f};
	'' =~ /()/;
	return $ncn;

sub _table_name()    {0}
sub _table_alias()   {1}
sub _table_join()    {2}
sub _table_join_on() {3}

my $sql_abstract = SQL::Abstract->new;
my $tblnum;

sub _build_complex_query {
	my ($table, $query_bind, $where) = @_;
	return $table if not ref $table;
	my @from;
	my @columns;
	my @linked_list = (
		ref($table) eq 'ARRAY'
		? @$table
		: error_message {
			result  => 'SQLERR',
			message => "Unsupported type of query: " . ref($table)
	my ($conditions, $groupby, $having, $limit, $offset);
	for (my $i = 0; $i < @linked_list; ++$i) {
		my $le = $linked_list[$i];
		if ('ARRAY' eq ref $le) {
			my $subfrom = _build_complex_query($le, $query_bind);
			my $ta = "t$tblnum";
			push @from, ["($subfrom)", $ta];
		if (substr($le, 0, 1) ne '-') {
			my ($tn, $ta) = split ' ', $le;
			$ta = $tn if not $ta;
			error_message {
				result  => 'SQLERR',
				message => "Unknown table $tn"
				unless _exists_row(make_name($tn));
			push @from, [$tn, $ta];
		} else {
			my $cmd = substr($le, 1);
			if ($cmd eq 'left') {
				$from[-1][_table_join] = 'left join';
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'right') {
				$from[-1][_table_join] = 'right join';
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'join') {
				$from[-1][_table_join] = 'join';
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'on') {
				$from[-1][_table_join_on] = ["on", $linked_list[++$i]];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'using') {
				$from[-1][_table_join_on] = ["using", $linked_list[++$i]];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'as') {
				$from[-1][_table_alias] = $linked_list[++$i];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'where') {
				$conditions = $linked_list[++$i];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'group_by') {
				$groupby = $linked_list[++$i];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'having') {
				$having = $linked_list[++$i];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'limit') {
				$limit = 0 + $linked_list[++$i];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'offset') {
				$offset = 0 + $linked_list[++$i];
			} elsif ($cmd eq 'columns') {
				my $cols = $linked_list[++$i];
				if ('ARRAY' eq ref($cols)) {
					push @columns, @$cols;
				} else {
					push @columns, $cols;
			} else {
				error_message {
					result  => 'SQLERR',
					message => "Unknown directive $le"
	error_message {
		result  => 'SQLERR',
		message => "No table to build query on"
	} if !@from;
	for (my $idx = 1; $idx < @from; ++$idx) {
		next if $from[$idx][_table_join_on] or not $from[$idx - 1][_table_join];
		next if substr($from[$idx][_table_name], 0, 1) eq "(";
		my $cta  = $from[$idx][_table_alias];
		my $cto  = make_name($from[$idx][_table_name]);
		my $ucct = ucfirst $from[$idx][_table_name];
		my @join;
		for (my $i = $idx - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
			next if not $from[$i][_table_join];
			my $ptn = $from[$i][_table_name];
			next if substr($ptn, 0, 1) eq "(";
			my $ucfptn = ucfirst $ptn;
			if ($cto->can("foreignKey$ucfptn")) {
				my $fkfn = "foreignKey$ucfptn";
				my ($ctf, $ptk) = $cto->$fkfn;
				push @join, "$cta.$ctf = " . $from[$i][_table_alias] . ".$ptk";
			} else {
				my $ptno = make_name($ptn);
				if ($ptno->can("foreignKey$ucct")) {
					my $fkfn = "foreignKey$ucct";
					my ($ptf, $ctk) = $ptno->$fkfn;
					push @join, "$cta.$ctk = " . $from[$i][_table_alias] . ".$ptf";
		$from[$idx][_table_join_on] = ["on", join(" and ", @join)];
	my $from = '';
	@columns = ('*') if not @columns;
	@columns = map {('SCALAR' eq ref) ? DBIx::Struct::connect->dbh->quote_identifier($_) : $_} @columns;
	my $joined = 0;
	for (my $idx = 0; $idx < @from; ++$idx) {
		if (not $joined) {
			$from .= " " . $from[$idx][_table_name];
			$from .= " " . $from[$idx][_table_alias] if $from[$idx][_table_alias] ne $from[$idx][_table_name];
		if ($from[$idx][_table_join]) {
			my $nt = $from[$idx + 1];
			$from .= " " . $from[$idx][_table_join];
			$from .= " " . $nt->[_table_name];
			$from .= " " . $nt->[_table_alias] if $nt->[_table_alias] ne $nt->[_table_name];
			my $using_on = $nt->[_table_join_on][0];
			if ($using_on eq 'on' and ref $nt->[_table_join_on][1]) {
				my ($on_where, @on_bind) = $sql_abstract->where($nt->[_table_join_on][1]);
				$on_where =~ s/WHERE //;
				push @$query_bind, @on_bind;
				$from .= " $using_on(" . $on_where . ")";
			} else {
				$from .= " $using_on(" . $nt->[_table_join_on][1] . ")";
			$joined = 1;
		} else {
			$from .= "," if $idx != $#from;
			$joined = 0;
	my $ret = "select " . join(", ", @columns) . " from" . $from;
	if (not defined $where) {
		my $sql_grp     = _parse_groupby($groupby);
		my $having_bind = [];
		if ($sql_grp && defined $having) {
			my $sql_having;
			($sql_having, $having_bind) = _parse_having($having);
			$sql_grp .= " $sql_having";
		if ($conditions) {
			my @where_bind;
			($where, @where_bind) = $sql_abstract->where($conditions);
			push @$query_bind, @where_bind;
		} else {
			$where = '';
		if (defined $sql_grp) {
			$where .= " $sql_grp";
			push @$query_bind, @$having_bind;
		$where .= " limit $limit"   if defined $limit;
		$where .= " offset $offset" if $offset;
	$ret .= " $where" if $where;

sub _parse_groupby {
	my $groupby = $_[0];
	my $sql_grp;
	if (defined $groupby) {
		$sql_grp = "GROUP BY ";
		my @groupby = map {/^\d+$/ ? $_ : "$_"} (ref($groupby) ? @$groupby : ($groupby));
		$sql_grp .= join(", ", @groupby);

sub _parse_having {
	my $having = $_[0];
	my $sql_having;
	my @having_bind;
	if (defined $having) {
		($sql_having, @having_bind) = $sql_abstract->where($having);
		$sql_having =~ s/\bWHERE\b/HAVING/;
	($sql_having, \@having_bind);

sub execute {
	my ($groupby, $having, $up_conditions, $up_order, $up_limit, $up_offset, $up_interface, $sql, $dry_run);
	for (my $i = 2; $i < @_; ++$i) {
		next unless defined $_[$i] and not ref $_[$i];
		if ($_[$i] eq '-group_by') {
			(undef, $groupby) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-having') {
			(undef, $having) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-order_by') {
			(undef, $up_order) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-where') {
			(undef, $up_conditions) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-limit') {
			(undef, $up_limit) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-interface') {
			(undef, $up_interface) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-offset') {
			(undef, $up_offset) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-sql') {
			(undef, $sql) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif ($_[$i] eq '-dry_run') {
			(undef, $dry_run) = splice @_, $i, 2;
		} elsif (substr($_[$i], 0, 1) eq '-') {
			error_message {
				result  => 'SQLERR',
				message => "Unknown directive $_[$i]"
	$tblnum = 1;
	my $sql_grp     = _parse_groupby($groupby);
	my $having_bind = [];
	if ($sql_grp && defined $having) {
		my $sql_having;
		($sql_having, $having_bind) = _parse_having($having);
		$sql_grp .= " $sql_having";
	my ($code, $table, $conditions, $order, $limit, $offset) = @_;
	my $have_conditions = @_ > 2;
	$conditions //= $up_conditions;
	$order      //= $up_order;
	$limit      //= $up_limit;
	$offset     //= $up_offset;
	my $where;
	my $need_where = 0;
	my @where_bind;
	my $simple_table = (not ref $table and index($table, " ") == -1);
	my $ncn;

	if ($simple_table) {
		$ncn = make_name($table);
		if ($have_conditions and not ref $conditions) {
			my $id = ($ncn->selectKeys())[0]
				or error_message {
				result  => 'SQLERR',
				message => "unknown primary key",
				query   => "select * from $table",
			if (defined $conditions) {
				$where      = "where $id = ?";
				@where_bind = ($conditions);
			} else {
				$where = "where $id is null";
		} else {
			$need_where = 1;
	} else {
		$need_where = 1;
	if ($need_where) {
		($where, @where_bind) = $sql_abstract->where($conditions);
	if (defined $sql_grp) {
		$where .= " $sql_grp";
		push @where_bind, @$having_bind;
	if ($order) {
		my ($order_sql, @order_bind) = $sql_abstract->where(undef, $order);
		$where .= " $order_sql";
		push @where_bind, @order_bind;
	if (defined($limit)) {
		$limit += 0;
		$where .= " limit $limit";
	if (defined($offset)) {
		$offset += 0;
		$where .= " offset $offset" if $offset;
	my $query;
	my @query_bind;
	if ($simple_table) {
		$query = qq{select * from $table $where};
	} else {
		$query = (not ref $table) ? qq{$table $where} : _build_complex_query($table, \@query_bind, $where);
		$ncn = make_name($query);
	if ($sql) {
		if ('CODE' eq ref $sql) {
			$sql->($query, \@where_bind);
		} elsif ('SCALAR' eq ref $sql) {
			$$sql = $query;
	return if $dry_run;
	'' =~ /()/;
	my $sth;
	return DBIx::Struct::connect->run(
		sub {
			$sth = $_->prepare($query)
				or error_message {
				result  => 'SQLERR',
				message => $_->errstr,
				query   => $query,
			$sth->execute(@query_bind, @where_bind)
				or error_message {
				result     => 'SQLERR',
				message    => $_->errstr,
				query      => $query,
				where_bind => Dumper(\@where_bind),
				query_bind => Dumper(\@query_bind),
				conditions => Dumper($conditions),
			setup_row($sth, $ncn, $up_interface);
			return $code->($sth, $ncn);

sub one_row {
	return execute(
		sub {
			my ($sth, $ncn) = @_;
			my $data = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
			return if not $data;
			return $ncn->new([@$data]);

sub all_rows {
	my $mapfunc;
	for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; ++$i) {
		if (ref($_[$i]) eq 'CODE') {
			$mapfunc = splice @_, $i, 1;
	return execute(
		sub {
			my ($sth, $ncn) = @_;
			my @rows;
			my $row;
			if ($mapfunc) {
				while ($row = $sth->fetch) {
					local $_ = $ncn->new([@$row]);
					push @rows, $mapfunc->();
			} else {
				push @rows, $ncn->new([@$row]) while ($row = $sth->fetch);
			return \@rows;

sub new_row {
	my ($table, @data) = @_;
	my $simple_table = (index($table, " ") == -1);
	error_message {
		result  => 'SQLERR',
		message => "insert row can't work for queries"
		unless $simple_table;
	my $ncn = setup_row($table);
	return $ncn->new(@data);
