0.04 2007/07/19
* Fix Incunabulum.pm to not depend on mod_perl 2 with a bit of a hack. It'll
be fixed in a later version when I've had time to think about a proper way
of doing it.
0.03 2007/07/08
* Added sufficient (stub) documentation so that the tests pass. Real
Documentation [tm] will be added when the API stabilises.
0.02 2007/07/07
* Second public release; fixes the ugly callback strategy that was in
place, using references instead. Code is overall much cleaner and
easier to understand.
0.01 2007/07/07
* First initial public release. More a developer's toy than anything
$Id: Changes 36 2007-07-20 01:46:00Z apeiron $
# vim: syntax=changelog