Revision history for Task-Kensho
0.31 2011-04-11
    | Fix Task::Kensho::Logging version, thanks kent\n

0.30 2011-04-11
    + Task::Kensho::Logging

0.29 2011-03-25
    | No changes from 0.28.

0.28 2011-01-23
    | Bugfix: Some tasks had a version of 1.0 marked as required. Fix this.

0.27 2011-01-20
    | Split Task::Kensho into sub-tasks which all install their modules by
      default. Task::Kensho itself will prompt the user to install these
      subtasks. Thanks to perigrin for the idea.

0.26 2010-10-24 # Late ship date due to Task::Catalyst issue with BerkeleyDB
    + Identical to 0.25

0.25 2010-09-19
    + Add Email::Simple
    + Add Email::MIME::Kit

0.24 2010-08-26 # Now with iCal reminders so I don't slip a date
    + Add autodie
    + Actually install App::Nopaste
    | Make sure the POD reflects the Makefile.PL.

0.23 2010-07-19
    + Add CHI under Scalability

0.22 2010-04-19
    + Replace Bundle::CPAN with App::cpanminus
    + Added HTTP::Lite which is used to great effect by both App::cpanminus and App::perlbrew
    + Added App::perlbrew
    - Totally missed March

0.21 2010-02-21
	+ Add XML::LibXSLT (per mst)
	+ Add WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder (per mst)
	+ Add CPAN::Uploader (per mst)
	- Make Template::Toolkit an explicit dependency (per mst)

0.20 2010-01-20
	- Change to depend on Task::Catalyst rather than explicit
	- Remove CGI::FormBuilder::Source::Perl, this should probably be
	  handled by Task::Catalyst
	+ Add XML::Atom
	+ Add Docs for XML::RSS
	- Change to depend on Task::Moose rather than explicit
	+ Make Task::Moose a default

0.19 2009-12-28 # 	Of course I blow my first release date.
	- Remove MooseX::AttributeHelpers
	+ Add MooseX::Aliases
	+ Document the move to Monthly Releases for Task::Kensho
	- Remove reference to gitorious
	+ Add Perl::Critic as suggested by Hinrik via rt#48295
	+ Add Devel::Cover as suggested by Hinrik via rt#48293
        + Add Time::Tiny and DateTime::Tiny as suggested by mst

0.18 2009-11-19
	+ Replace Module::Starter with Dist::Zilla
	- Remove Time::y2038
	+ Add Try::Tiny and TryCatch

0.17 2009-08-28
	+ Fix broken Pod::Readme link in the Makefile.PL

0.16 2009-08-28
	+ Remove XXX
	+ Add POD::Readme and Software::License at the request of CSJewell
  	  so that we're inline with the upcoming Perl::Dist::Satori

0.15 2009-07-26
    + Comment out XXX since it can't be found by CPAN anymore.

0.14 2009-07-16
    + Add XML modules
    + Update Documentation a bit to reflect Task::Kensho's place in the
      universe better

0.13 2009-07-02
    - Identical to 0.12
    + Fix MANIFEST.SKIP and re-release

0.12 2009-06-23 (Failed release)
    + Time::y2038
    + Perl::Version

0.11 2009-05-25
	+ Change from namespace::clean to namespace::autoclean (rafl)

0.10 2009-05-23
	+ Change dep for XXX to as per #epo

0.0.7 2008-12-12
	+ Add MooseX::StrictConstructor as per Dave Rolsky and Ricardo Signes
	+ Add MooseX::SimpleConfig

0.0.6 2008-12-12
    + Fix Module::CoreList to be spelt with a capital L

0.0.5 2008-12-11
    + Add documentation on the Script Hackery section to clarify that it's
      not intended for *production* but for hacking up prototypes and
    + Add Test::Most (RT #39594)

0.0.4 2008-09-28
	  Fix bad tarball

0.0.3 2008-09-28
	  Remove author tests

0.0.2 2008-09-23
	  Add Perl::Tidy
	  Fix missing inc/ from Module::Install

0.0.1 2008-09-05
      Initial release.