Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::Fuse

* 0.04

	I mistakenly thought "hv_stores()" was a good API to use, but it was added in perl 5.10! ( thanks agaran! )
		Added Devel::PPPort functionality via ppport.h, so it's more portable now ( thanks woggle! )
	Added Module::Build::Compat passthrough functionality, so Makefile.PL *should* work now, ha! ( thanks agaran! )
	Removed the tons of author tests and replaced with a clean 1-file solution ( Test::Apocalypse )

* 0.03

	Removed Makefile.PL auto-generation because it was missing the XS compilation stuff
	made the optional prereqs a real prereq because I was getting FAILs :(

* 0.02

	added support for Filesys::Virtual::Async
	added some more options
	fixed stupid mode screwup in examples/
	allowed both session/fvilesys arg but be more smarter about it, so we can inform session of shutdown
	POD tweaks
	added "rmdir" option

* 0.01

	initial release