Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::SimpleDBI.
1.02 Mon Oct 20 18:40:13 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-A -X -v 0.1 -n POE::Component::SimpleDBI
1.03 Tue Oct 21 15:31:37 2003
Increments refcount for querying sessions so they don't go away
POD formatting
Consolidated shutdown and shutdown_NOW into one single event
General formatting in program
DB connection error handling
Renamed the result hash: RESULTS to RESULT for better readability
SubProcess -> added DBI connect failure handling
1.04 Tue Nov 18 17:57:18 2003
Got rid of the EVENT_S and EVENT_E handlers, replaced with a single EVENT handler
Internal changes to get rid of some stuff -> Send_Query / Send_Wheel
Added the Delete_Query event -> Deletes an query via ID
Changed the DO/MULTIPLE/SINGLE/QUOTE events to return an ID ( Only usable if call'ed )
Made sure that the ACTION key is sent back to the EVENT handler every time
Added some DEBUG stuff :)
Added the CHANGES section
Fixed some typos in the POD