Revision history for Perl extension Text::Match::FastAlternatives

0.01  Sun Dec 17 15:45:18 2006
	- original version

0.02  Sat Dec 23 14:05:27 2006
	- fixed incorrect README file

0.03  Sat Dec 23 14:22:36 2006
	- support Perl 5.8.4 (which has no Newxz() macro)

0.04  Sat Jan  6 13:24:45 2007
	- support older C compilers (C89 rather than C99)

0.05  Thu Nov  1 11:39:17 2007
	- new match_at and exact_match methods

1.00  Mon May  5 12:14:45 2008
	- declare dependency on Perl 5.6
	- update documentation for Perl 5.10
	- label this release as 1.00; the code has been stable for ages
	- if you're already using 0.04 or 0.05, there's no need to upgrade