Revision history for Perl extension RDFStore.
version 0.31 - Fri Dec 22 15:31:14 CET 2000
This version has renamed all the Perl packages making RDFStore ready to be published to
the Perl CPAN archive. The module names have been mapped as follows:
version<=0.3 version>=0.31
Data::MagicTie::Client Data::MagicTie::DBMS
Data::MagicTie::DB_File (unchanged)
Data::MagicTie::BerkeleyDB (unchanged)
Data::MagicTie (unchanged)
RDF::Digest::Abstract RDFStore::Stanford::Digest::Abstract
RDF::Digest::Util RDFStore::Stanford::Digest::Util
RDF::Digest::MD5 RDFStore::Stanford::Digest::MD5
RDF::Digest::Generic RDFStore::Stanford::Digest::Generic
RDF::Digest::SHA1 RDFStore::Stanford::Digest::SHA1
RDF::Vocabulary::RDFS RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDFS
RDF::Vocabulary::Generator RDFStore::Stanford::Vocabulary::Generator
RDF::Vocabulary::DC RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC
RDF::Vocabulary::DAML RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML
RDF::Vocabulary::RDF RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF
RDF::Store::SchemaModel RDFStore::SchemaModel
RDF::Store::Model RDFStore::Model
RDF::Store::NodeFactory RDFStore::NodeFactory
RDF::Store::RDFNode RDFStore::RDFNode
RDF::Store::Resource RDFStore::Resource
RDF::Store::Statement RDFStore::Statement
RDF::Store::SetModel RDFStore::SetModel
RDF::Store::VirtualModel RDFStore::VirtualModel
RDF::Store::FindIndex RDFStore::FindIndex
RDF::Store::Literal RDFStore::Literal
RDF::RDFNode RDFStore::Stanford::RDFNode
RDF::Model RDFStore::Stanford::Model
RDF::Statement RDFStore::Stanford::Statement
RDF::NodeFactory RDFStore::Stanford::NodeFactory
RDF::SetModel RDFStore::Stanford::SetModel
RDF::VirtualModel RDFStore::Stanford::VirtualModel
RDF::Literal RDFStore::Stanford::Literal
RDF::Store RDFStore::Stanford::Store
RDF::Digest RDFStore::Stanford::Digest
RDF::Resource RDFStore::Stanford::Resource
XML::Parser::PenRDF::RDFStore RDFStore::Parser::Styles::MagicTie
XML::Parser::PenRDF RDFStore::Parser::SiRPAC
XML::Parser::PenRDFStrawman RDFStore::Parser::OpenHealth
The only Perl package namespace "invaded" is the Data one with the Data::MagicTie modules.
In addition the documentation has been updated and the API modified accordingly to the latest
changes in the Stanford Java API 2000-12-05 distribution.
- added new index storage method. Does not use Freezed/Thawed arrays if possible
- fixed nusty bug in digestBytes2HashCode() to cast hash code to INTEGER
- added get_Options() method
- completely modified the access methods to Sleepycat library and DBs - see Data::MagicTie::DB_File(3)
- added use (include) of all RDFStore modules suite
- fixed bug in add() when adding statements with a Literal value
- commented out isEmpty() check in find() due to DBMS(3) efficency problems
- updated toStrawmanRDF() method
- modifed add() to avoid update of existing statements
- fixed the parameters checking when create Statements
- fixed bug in parse_start() and parse() to check $file_or_uri
is a reference to an URI object
- changed wget() Socket handle to work with previous Perl versions (not my $handle) and
do HTTP GET even on HTTP 'Location' redirect header
- fixed bug in RDFXML_CharacterDataHand() when trim text and $preserveWhiteSpace
- fixed bug in processTypedNode() when remove attributes
- commented off croak in expandAttributes() when 'expanding predicate element' for
production for xhtml2rdf stuff
- changed wget() Socket handle to work with previous Perl versions (not my $handle) and
do HTTP GET even on HTTP 'Location' redirect header
- little change when checking if a prefix is undefined
- added to ingest (S,P,O) comma separated text files right the way
- updated
version 0.3 - Tue Nov 28 14:02:10 CET 2000
This version has updated the Perl modules set accordingly to the latest chnages in the Stanford
Java API 2000-11-13 distribution. (see
Almost all modules have been fixed when checking references/pointers (defined and ref() )
- fixed bugs when checking references/pointers (defined and ref() )
- fixed bug in expandAttributes() when expand rdf:value
- Modified addOrder() expandAttributes() accordingly to rdf-api-2000-11-13
- fixed bug in parse() parse_start() to set the Source right
- fixed bug in RDFXML_StartElementHandler() when parseLiteral process attributes also
- fixed bug in processTypedNode() to manage new attlist way
- fixed bug in processPredicate() to manage new attlist way
- fixed bugs due to the modifications due rdf-api-2000-10-30. Now $n->{tag} is either
$n->name() or $n->localName(); code got more clear also
- fixed addTriple() and reify() - more checking and modified to manage right $subject
- fixed bug in Assert() checking if $st is a ref and valid RDF::Statement
- changed namespace to
- fixed bug in find(). Check the type of $t before using methods on it
- added toStrawmanRDF() to serialise the model in strawman RDF for
- fixed bug in create()
- modified updateDigest() method accordingly to rdf-api-2000-11-13
- fixed bug in toPerlName() and dumpVocabulary() avoid grep regex checking
- added getLocalName() and getNamespace() to delegate to instances
- changed checking to RDF::SetModel type
- modified toString()
- fixed miss-spell in validate()
- fixed bug in FIRSTKEY(). Do not call keys and each anymore.
- little bit of changes in and
- query syntax changed
version 0.2 - Mon Nov 13 14:56:46 CET 2000
This version updates the whole Perl modules set accordingly to the latest chnages in the Stanford
Java API 2000-10-30 distribution. (see http://WWW-DB.Stanford.EDU/~melnik/rdf/
- fixed bug in parsefile() to read URL-less filenames
(version0.1 was working only with 'file:' URL prefix)
- fixed a lot of bugs/inconsistences in new(), parse(), setSource(), parsestring()
processXML() in the fetchSchema part, makeAbsolute()
- added parse_start a la XML::parser for no-blocking stream
parsing using XML::Parser::ExpatNB
- pod documentation updated
- does not use URI::file anymore
- Modified createResource(), XML::Parser::PenRDF::Element and
XML::Parser::PenRDF::DataElement accordingly to rdf-api-2000-10-30
- General bug fixing
- Init() now setSourceURI() for the model
- now the result set is a SetModel
RDF::Resource, RDF::NodeFactory, RDF::Store::Literal, RDF::Store::NodeFactory,
- Modified accordingly to rdf-api-2000-10-30
- fixed bug in new() to check if triples is HASH ref when passed by user
- fixed bug in find() do avoid to return instances of SetModel (see also)
Now result sets are put in an object(model) of the the same type - see find()
- modified add() remove() clone() duplicate() and added toString() makePrivate()
getNamespace() getLocalName() methods accordingly to rdf-api-2000-10-30
- modifed new(), duplicate(), clone() and find() to support cloned models
- modified find() to manage normal Models and indexed Models differently
- added optional indirect indexing to find() i.e. the FindIndex
stores just digested keys and not the full BLOB; fetch from an
index then require an additional look up in triples
- added more magic keywords to 'reservedWords' list (my, local)
- Modified createResource() accordingly to rdf-api-2000-10-30
- pass @_ array to new methods
- fixed warning messages
- fixed bug in intersect()
- now all methods return the modified model
- fixed miss-spelling bug in remove()
- added indirect indexing support to be de-referenced by the caller
Model object.
- fixed bugs in and
- uses SetModel to unite (||), intersect (&&), subtract(!),
version 0.1 - 2000/11/03 at 04:30 CEST
- first public version