#======================================================================= # ____ ____ _____ _ ____ ___ ____ # | _ \| _ \| ___| _ _ / \ | _ \_ _| |___ \ # | |_) | | | | |_ (_) (_) / _ \ | |_) | | __) | # | __/| |_| | _| _ _ / ___ \| __/| | / __/ # |_| |____/|_| (_) (_) /_/ \_\_| |___| |_____| # # A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification # of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (PDF)" Files. # # Copyright 1999-2005 Alfred Reibenschuh <areibens@cpan.org>. # #======================================================================= # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id: Postscript.pm,v 1.7 2005/03/14 22:01:28 fredo Exp $ # #======================================================================= package PDF::API2::Resource::Font::Postscript; BEGIN { use utf8; use Encode qw(:all); use PDF::API2::Util; use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils; use PDF::API2::Resource::Font; use POSIX; use Compress::Zlib; use File::Find; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); @ISA = qw( PDF::API2::Resource::Font ); ( $VERSION ) = '$Revision: 1.7 $' =~ /Revision: (\S+)\s/; # $Date: 2005/03/14 22:01:28 $ } no warnings qw[ deprecated recursion uninitialized ]; =item $font = PDF::API2::Resource::Font::Postscript->new @parameters Returns a adobe type1 font object (called from $pdf->psfont). =cut sub new { my ($class, $pdf, $psfile, %opts) = @_; my ($self,$encoding); my (@w,$data); if(defined $opts{-afmfile}) { $data = $class->readAFM($opts{-afmfile}); } elsif(defined $opts{-pfmfile}) { $data = $class->readPFM($opts{-pfmfile}); } elsif(defined $opts{-xfmfile}) { $data = $class->readXFM($opts{-xfmfile}); } else { die "no proper font-metrics file specified for '$psfile'."; } $class = ref $class if ref $class; $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $data->{apiname}.pdfkey()); $pdf->new_obj($self) unless($self->is_obj($pdf)); $self->{' data'}=$data; $self->{'Subtype'} = PDFName("Type1"); $self->{'BaseFont'} = PDFName($self->fontname); if($opts{-pdfname}) { $self->name($opts{-pdfname}); } $self->{'FontDescriptor'}=$self->descrByData(); my ($l1,$l2,$l3,$stream)=$self->readPFAPFB($psfile); my $s = PDFDict(); $self->{'FontDescriptor'}->{'FontFile'} = $s; $s->{'Length1'} = PDFNum($l1); $s->{'Length2'} = PDFNum($l2); $s->{'Length3'} = PDFNum($l3); $s->{'Filter'} = PDFArray(PDFName("FlateDecode")); $s->{' stream'} = $stream; if(defined $pdf) { $pdf->new_obj($s); } $self->encodeByData($opts{-encode}); return($self); } sub new_api { my ($class, $api, @para) = @_; $class = ref $class if ref $class; my $self = $class->new($api->{pdf},@para); $self->{' apipdf'}=$api->{pdf}; $self->{' api'}=$api; return($self); } sub readPFAPFB { my ($self,$file) = @_; my ($l1,$l2,$l3,$stream,$t1stream,@lines,$line,$head,$body,$tail); die "cannot find font '$file' ..." unless(-f $file); $l=-s $file; open(INF,$file); binmode(INF,':raw'); read(INF,$line,2); @lines=unpack('C*',$line); if(($lines[0]==0x80) && ($lines[1]==1)) { read(INF,$line,4); $l1=unpack('V',$line); seek(INF,$l1,1); read(INF,$line,2); @lines=unpack('C*',$line); if(($lines[0]==0x80) && ($lines[1]==2)) { read(INF,$line,4); $l2=unpack('V',$line); } else { die "corrupt pfb in file '$file' at marker='2'."; } seek(INF,$l2,1); read(INF,$line,2); @lines=unpack('C*',$line); if(($lines[0]==0x80) && ($lines[1]==1)) { read(INF,$line,4); $l3=unpack('V',$line); } else { die "corrupt pfb in file '$file' at marker='3'."; } seek(INF,0,0); @lines=<INF>; close(INF); $stream=join('',@lines); $t1stream=substr($stream,6,$l1); $t1stream.=substr($stream,12+$l1,$l2); $t1stream.=substr($stream,18+$l1+$l2,$l3); } elsif($line eq '%!') { seek(INF,0,0); while($line=<INF>) { if(!$l1) { $head.=$line; if($line=~/eexec$/){ chomp($head); $head.="\x0d"; $l1=length($head); } } elsif(!$l2) { if($line=~/^0+$/) { $l2=length($body); $tail=$line; } else { chomp($line); $body.=pack('H*',$line); } } else { $tail.=$line; } } $l3=length($tail); $t1stream="$head$body$tail"; } else { die "unsupported font-format in file '$file' at marker='1'."; } return($l1,$l2,$l3,$t1stream); } # $datahashref = $self->readAFM( $afmfile ); sub readAFM { my ($self,$file)=@_; my $data={}; $data->{wx}={}; $data->{bbox}={}; $data->{char}=[]; $data->{firstchar}=255; $data->{lastchar}=0; if(! -e $file) {die "file='$file' not existant.";} open(AFMF, $file) or die "Can't find the AFM file for $file"; local($/, $_) = ("\n", undef); # ensure correct $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR while ($_=<AFMF>) { next if /^StartKernData/ .. /^EndKernData/; # kern data not parsed yet next if /^StartComposites/ .. /^EndComposites/; # same for composites if (/^StartCharMetrics/ .. /^EndCharMetrics/) { # only lines that start with "C" or "CH" are parsed next unless $_=~/^CH?\s/; my($ch) = $_=~/^CH?\s+(\d+)\s*;/; $ch=$ch||0; my($name) = $_=~/\bN\s+(\.?\w+)\s*;/; my($wx) = $_=~/\bWX\s+(\d+)\s*;/; my($bbox) = $_=~/\bB\s+([^;]+);/; $bbox =~ s/\s+$//; # Should also parse lingature data (format: L successor lignature) $data->{avgwidth2} += $wx ; $data->{maxwidth} = $data->{maxwidth}<$wx ? $wx : $data->{maxwidth}; $data->{wx}->{$name} = $wx ; $data->{bbox}->{$name} = [split(/\s+/,$bbox)]; if($ch>0) { $data->{'char'}->[$ch]=$name ; } $data->{lastchar} = $data->{lastchar}<$ch ? $ch : $data->{lastchar}; $data->{firstchar} = $data->{firstchar}>$ch ? $ch : $data->{firstchar}; next; } last if $_=~/^EndFontMetrics/; if (/(^\w+)\s+(.*)/) { my($key,$val) = ($1, $2); $key = lc $key; if (defined $data->{$key}) { # $data->{$key} = [ $data->{$key} ] unless ref $data->{$key}; # push(@{$data->{$key}}, $val); } else { $val=~s/[\x00\x1f]+//g; $data->{$key} = $val; } } else { print STDERR "Can't parse: $_"; } } close(AFMF); unless (exists $data->{wx}->{'.notdef'}) { $data->{wx}->{'.notdef'} = 0; $data->{bbox}{'.notdef'} = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } $data->{avgwidth2} /= scalar keys %{$data->{bbox}} ; $data->{avgwidth2} = int($data->{avgwidth2}); $data->{fontname}=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+//og; if(defined $data->{fullname}) { $data->{altname}=$data->{fullname}; } else { $data->{altname}=$data->{familyname}; $data->{altname}.=' Italic' if($data->{italicangle}<0); $data->{altname}.=' Oblique' if($data->{italicangle}>0); $data->{altname}.=' '.$data->{weight}; } $data->{apiname}=$data->{altname}; $data->{altname}=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+//og; $data->{subname}=$data->{weight}; $data->{subname}.=' Italic' if($data->{italicangle}<0); $data->{subname}.=' Oblique' if($data->{italicangle}>0); $data->{subname}=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+//og; $data->{missingwidth}||=$data->{avgwidth2}; $data->{issymbol} = 0; $data->{fontbbox} = [ split(/\s+/,$data->{fontbbox}) ]; $data->{apiname}=join('',map { $_=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+//og; $_=ucfirst(lc(substr($_,0,2))); $_; } split(/\s+/,$data->{apiname})); $data->{flags} = 34; $data->{uni}||=[]; foreach my $n (0..255) { $data->{uni}->[$n]=uniByName($data->{char}->[$n] || '.notdef') || 0; } return($data); } sub readPFM { my ($self,$file)=@_; use IO::File; if(! -e $file) {die "pfmfile='$file' not existant.";} my $fh=IO::File->new(); my $data={}; $data->{issymbol} = 0; $data->{wx}={}; $data->{bbox}={}; $data->{kern}={}; $data->{char}=[]; my $buf; open($fh,$file) || return undef; binmode($fh,':raw'); read($fh,$buf,117 + 30); my %df; # Packing structure for PFM Header ( $df{Version}, $df{Size}, $df{Copyright}, $df{Type}, $df{Point}, $df{VertRes}, $df{HorizRes}, $df{Ascent}, $df{InternalLeading}, $df{ExternalLeading}, $df{Italic}, $df{Underline}, $df{StrikeOut}, $df{Weight}, #define FW_DONTCARE 0 #define FW_THIN 100 #define FW_EXTRALIGHT 200 #define FW_ULTRALIGHT FW_EXTRALIGHT #define FW_LIGHT 300 #define FW_NORMAL 400 #define FW_REGULAR 400 #define FW_MEDIUM 500 #define FW_SEMIBOLD 600 #define FW_DEMIBOLD FW_SEMIBOLD #define FW_BOLD 700 #define FW_EXTRABOLD 800 #define FW_ULTRABOLD FW_EXTRABOLD #define FW_HEAVY 900 #define FW_BLACK FW_HEAVY $df{CharSet}, #define ANSI_CHARSET 0 #define DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 #define SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 #define SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 #define HANGEUL_CHARSET 129 #define HANGUL_CHARSET 129 #define GB2312_CHARSET 134 #define CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 #define GREEK_CHARSET 161 #define TURKISH_CHARSET 162 #define HEBREW_CHARSET 177 #define ARABIC_CHARSET 178 #define BALTIC_CHARSET 186 #define RUSSIAN_CHARSET 204 #define THAI_CHARSET 222 #define EASTEUROPE_CHARSET 238 #define OEM_CHARSET 255 #define JOHAB_CHARSET 130 #define VIETNAMESE_CHARSET 163 #define MAC_CHARSET 77 #define BALTIC_CHARSET 186 #define JOHAB_CHARSET 130 #define VIETNAMESE_CHARSET 163 $df{PixWidth}, $df{PixHeight}, $df{PitchAndFamily}, #define DEFAULT_PITCH 0 #define FIXED_PITCH 1 #define VARIABLE_PITCH 2 #define MONO_FONT 8 #define FF_DECORATIVE 80 #define FF_DONTCARE 0 #define FF_MODERN 48 #define FF_ROMAN 16 #define FF_SCRIPT 64 #define FF_SWISS 32 $df{AvgWidth}, $df{MaxWidth}, $df{FirstChar}, $df{LastChar}, $df{DefaultChar}, $df{BreakChar}, $df{WidthBytes}, $df{Device}, $df{Face}, $df{BitsPointer}, $df{BitsOffset}, $df{SizeFields}, # Two bytes, the size of extension section $df{ExtMetricsOffset}, # Four bytes, offset value to the 'Extended Text Metrics' section $df{ExtentTable}, # Four bytes Offset value to the Extent Table $df{OriginTable}, # Four bytes 0 $df{PairKernTable}, # Four bytes 0 $df{TrackKernTable}, # Four bytes 0 $df{DriverInfo}, # Four bytes Offset value to the PostScript font name string $df{Reserved}, # Four bytes 0 ) = unpack("vVa60vvvvvvvCCCvCvvCvvCCCCvVVVV vVVVVVVV",$buf); # PFM Header + Ext seek($fh,$df{Device},0); read($fh,$buf,250); ($df{postScript}) = unpack("Z*",$buf); $buf=substr($buf,length($df{postScript})+1,250); ($df{windowsName}) = unpack("Z*",$buf); $buf=substr($buf,length($df{windowsName})+1,250); ($df{psName}) = unpack("Z*",$buf); seek($fh,$df{ExtMetricsOffset},0); read($fh,$buf,52); ( $df{etmSize}, $df{PointSize}, $df{Orientation}, $df{MasterHeight}, $df{MinScale}, $df{MaxScale}, $df{MasterUnits}, $df{CapHeight}, $df{xHeight}, $df{LowerCaseAscent}, $df{LowerCaseDescent}, $df{Slant}, $df{SuperScript}, $df{SubScript}, $df{SuperScriptSize}, $df{SubScriptSize}, $df{UnderlineOffset}, $df{UnderlineWidth}, $df{DoubleUpperUnderlineOffset}, $df{DoubleLowerUnderlineOffset}, $df{DoubleUpperUnderlineWidth}, $df{DoubleLowerUnderlineWidth}, $df{StrikeOutOffset}, $df{StrikeOutWidth}, $df{KernPairs}, $df{KernTracks} ) = unpack('v*',$buf); #use Data::Dumper; # print STDERR Dumper(\%df); $data->{fontname}=$df{psName}; $data->{fontname}=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+//og; $data->{apiname}=$df{windowsName}; $data->{apiname}=join('',map { $_=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]+//og; $_=ucfirst(lc(substr($_,0,2))); $_; } split(/\s+/,$data->{apiname})); $data->{upem}=1000; $data->{fontbbox}=[-100,-100,$df{MaxWidth},$df{Ascent}]; $data->{stemv}=0; $data->{stemh}=0; $data->{lastchar}=$df{LastChar}; $data->{firstchar}=$df{FirstChar}; $data->{missingwidth}=$df{AvgWidth}; $data->{maxwidth}=$df{MaxWidth}; $data->{ascender}=$df{Ascent}; $data->{descender}=-$df{LowerCaseDescent}; $data->{flags} = 0; # FixedPitch 1 $data->{flags} |= 1 if((($df{PitchAndFamily} & 1) || ($df{PitchAndFamily} & 8)) && !($df{PitchAndFamily} & 2)); # Serif 2 $data->{flags} |= 2 if(($df{PitchAndFamily} & 16) && !($df{PitchAndFamily} & 32)); # Symbolic 4 $data->{flags} |= 4 if($df{PitchAndFamily} & 80); # Script 8 $data->{flags} |= 8 if($df{PitchAndFamily} & 64); # Nonsymbolic 32 $data->{flags} |= 32 unless($df{PitchAndFamily} & 80); # Italic 64 $data->{flags} |= 64 if($df{Italic}); #bit 17 AllCap #bit 18 SmallCap #bit 19 ForceBold $data->{capheight}=$df{CapHeight}; $data->{xheight}=$df{xHeight}; $data->{uni}=[ unpack('U*',decode('cp1252',pack('C*',(0..255)))) ]; $data->{char}=[ map { nameByUni($_) || '.notdef' } @{$data->{uni}} ]; $data->{italicangle}=-12*$df{Italic}; $data->{isfixedpitch}=(($df{PitchAndFamily} & 8) || ($df{PitchAndFamily} & 1)); $data->{underlineposition}=-$df{UnderlineOffset}; $data->{underlinethickness}=$df{UnderlineWidth}; seek($fh,$df{ExtentTable},0); foreach my $k ($df{FirstChar} .. $df{LastChar}) { read($fh,$buf,2); my ($wx)=unpack('v',$buf); $data->{wx}->{$data->{char}->[$k]}=$wx; # print STDERR "e: c=$k n='".$data->{char}->[$k]."' wx='$wx'\n"; } $data->{pfm}=\%df; close($fh); return($data); } sub readXFM { my ($class,$xfmfile) = @_; die "cannot find font '$xfmfile' ..." unless(-f $xfmfile); my $data={}; return($data); } 1; __END__ =head1 HISTORY $Log: Postscript.pm,v $ Revision 1.7 2005/03/14 22:01:28 fredo upd 2005 Revision 1.6 2004/12/16 00:30:54 fredo added no warn for recursion Revision 1.5 2004/06/15 09:14:53 fredo removed cr+lf Revision 1.4 2004/06/07 19:44:43 fredo cleaned out cr+lf for lf Revision 1.3 2003/12/08 13:06:01 Administrator corrected to proper licencing statement Revision 1.2 2003/11/30 17:32:48 Administrator merged into default Revision 2003/11/30 16:57:05 Administrator merged into default Revision 2003/11/30 14:45:22 Administrator added CVS id/log =head1 AUTHOR alfred reibenschuh =cut